Resident Furry: The Beginning ( Revised)
Before stopping at one piece of paper that was out of place from the last ones, he then picked up the paper reading it silently
The Performance
silent. unmoving. the crowd stared on, equally silent and unmoving. they were waiting. what was he waiting for? as he exhaled and he closed his eyes one last time, his hand moved.
Penchant: CH 12: Crystal
He locked himself into as quiet of a glide he could, attempting to circle silently around to her side. when he achieved the right angle he swooped in preparing for the takedown.
Venturing: What Third
I silently nodded then turned away from her, gazing off upon the other officers. i split my mouth opened and started to speak. we are in a mansion of where the crime had taken place.
Promise CH.8 -DMFA FanFiction-
There was an silent moment. rath snorted, "yes desho. i did know something..." he glared back at desho, "...and i was going to tell you before you ran off like an idiot to that dorm."
Invane: Annual Guess
I turned towards him with narrowed eyes; remaining silent too as i gradually nodded "yeah. that." at the pause, we hanged around the alleyway some more.
Invane: Having Fun
I could not see anything down there however, it was rather impossible and knowing that, i just frowned in total silent before taking a step back from the hole.
Venturing: Underno
I turned to yang who nodded silently in response to me and stepped forward to the other four dragons before handing them off something upon their claws.
Eyewatch: Fider Fox
I started, firing off the silent conversation as the rest of my unit stared at me before breaking off and looked upon the horizon.
Venturing: Fogsnatcher
And they nodded silently as we move as one unit. forward march, left foot out and landed, right foot out and landed, repeat.
Flamechild - Chapter 2: "Power, Debt, Dinner, and Dessert (Part One)"
Rowen laid by kira on his side, gently stroking her thigh, chewing silently. she gnawed on the orange, petting his arm. it was only just past lunch time. he still had the rest of the day to be with her.
Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter 11
All fell silent as they watched and prayed for a miracle. mal's body could barely be seen glowing.