Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor
The volleys of fire tore holes in the armor of the urthean ship. this was answered by a compression beam, which knocked the saucer ship off course. land quickly drove the vessel down the lead ship's backside.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eleven
Their ship was now close enough to see that only one ship out of four dozen was exchanging fire with the enemy fleet.
Guardians Downfall Chapter 1 Revised
The serenity was a beautiful ship, she contained capabilities not frequently seen in other ships.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal
But the ship that wasn't among them was the ss everstrider. the ship had failed to turn up, it being clear that the ship had indeed been sacrificed. but there was hope that the crew of the everstrider were among those who were on the ships.
Star Fox: Ascension #10 HUBRIS
Fox watched the cornerian ship cave under the pressure of four ships firing at once, its bow detonating, lights flickering across the ship as its power died.
Void Incursions Prelude
For her ship, and was relatively slow.
Project Apotheon cast
His ship has an emp power, allowing him to shut down all the ships around him, which actually makes him a wonderful companion to tzotziki and tundra since he can shut down other ships and allow for easy capture or control. tzolil is young.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Eight
One serpent's venom had triggered the fuel source of the ship, causing an explosion that ripped the ship in half.
Guardians: UGSM Serenity
Portion on the outside of the ship.
Space Mercinaries ch. 2 Alone
She flipped the metal pad and pushed the green button turning on the ship. she flipped the landing gear switch and the feet of the arwing went inside the ship. krystal noticed the two gorton ships flying off.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 3
Though their ship was spared by their father's ghost, that didn't mean that other ships would be as lucky. right now, no ship that entered into these waters was safe, even those that hugged the shore.
Light Bane: Chapter 8
There was another wave that crashed the ship from the side, strong enough to cause the ship to list severely. some of the unsecured objects started to move, causing a severe imbalance that threatened to capsize the ship.