
The controls began their startup sequence and sixty seconds later they all decided that the ship was "clear" and prepared for flight.

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Scales and Scavs Chapter 12, Farewell, Dracosith

"initiating launch sequence." the lights turned on, and the engine hummed. "disengaging landing gear." a moment after that, the ship started moving. then, they flew up into the atmosphere.

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Project: Eternity - (1) Emergency Stations!

Its angular design and swept back wings glinted in the faint light of the system's main sequence star, while its occupants busied around with maintenance and repairs. the bridge was a flurry of activity as people busied to and from the command centre.

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#2 of furtopia short story challenge story #21 in my furtopia short story sequence. read them all here:'s-writing-corner-prompt-challenge!/ enjoy!

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Don't Mess With Nikki

The moons had used it to get back at the people they had problems with, and even filmed the sequences. the moons had a big operation going. a really big one. one that wouldn't keep running if nikki had anything to say about it.

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Beginnings (WIP)

You see that sequence there at the end? that is the dna sequence that will activate it.

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The Mage of Terra Danor

"then we will wander the temporal sequences for the rest of our days."                "days? days don't exist according to you."                "there was a heavy sigh. "shut up morlei."                once in bed he regressed to his natural form.

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Son of a Dream part 2

-i wonder what the sequence of a dream is, little friend - she spoke to him, raising his flattened ears and evoking concentration in the confused, dull eyes.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 2 - "A Job to Do"

Are you out of your goddamn--" bubo--to a normal and ignorant individual--appeared as nothing more than an innocent, glossy white sphere about the size of a football floating at chest level from the ground, his single led lit eye blinking in sequences of

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imAge ''Our world, through our eyes'' - Chapter 1

Ready to start sequence. then in a flash the machine began to jig and squeak. in fact, the screeching almost sounded human, as if something or someone in the machine was crying.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 13 - Fly Baby, Fly!

"i started the charging sequence and disabled the sensors in the area. that buys us about five minutes, so use it wisely. i'll be taking off, as soon as we can" he sat down on the bright blue chair and started pressing buttons that seemed random to me.

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Ch. 16 -- Welfare Check

As he continued to ascend, they moved smoothly from one static pose to another, one by one, up one side of the stair and down the other in sequence.

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