Hero, Chapter 18 - Katafront
She backed up towards the river. jack was nowhere to be seen. mydya was the one who had knocked her over. mephit was racing towards the river behind her.
"The Thin Line," Part M
rivers rolled his eyes.
lucarios story, ch2
On the other side running from the river into the forest. hmm ill bet that river is from a mountain spring. i remembered hearing that the springs in this region are very rich in minerals and often have healing propertys. i guess thats my best bet at helping
Kari and Kyle *Dedication to me* Chapter 1
The river curved its way around the forest. from her vantage point, the female wolf could see the dark, wide river, swelled from the recent rains. the river had gorged itself upon the rainfall, and it was now twice its normal breadth.
Kyle and Kari *Dedication*-Chapter One
The river curved its way around the forest. from her vantage point, the female wolf could see the dark, wide river, swelled from the recent rains. the river had gorged itself upon the rainfall, and it was now twice its normal breadth.
Memories of Summer
We had agreed that we were going to swim in the river today. we splashed and paddled together in the cool, refreshing water. i loved doing handstands and flips. she absolutely adored diving in from the river bank.
Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 10
As it was now, however, it was barely more than a merry stream, happily roiling over the smooth white river stones. there's no point in delaying the inevitable, so she kneeled by the river's edge and looked down.
The Fountain of Lamneth
He saw a river behind him and figured that he must have swam through that river to reach where he was now. there was also a large fence he could not scale near the river.
new moves
She then punch out with her first as the two balls of fire collided and made the river of fire-making her atts glide on it "its working !"
5) The Gildergreen
The path continued along the river, towards another large bridge that crossed over the river a second time, but the river was going away from my intended direction.
Venturing: Canipark
As she investigates the river and lake, i turned my attention towards the surroundings of both things. noticing the trees closer to the lake than the river as my head was tilted to the side.
Chapter 12
But the river is more like an ocean. vast, seemingly endless. the river simply sorts this unfathomable multiverse. the river sorts between what is, and what is not.