D.E1 Chapter 78: Symbiotic Bond
"i thought the evos involved in the d.e development team were inoculated with the nano-machine prototype made specifically for them." "indeed they all were; including husky..." red said. he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion)
It was in fact only a week before he'd be due up again with zero two, a prototype based on his own zero. it seemed less and less likely to happen now. he'd been excited about going.
Tales from Silicon City 10: Lunch Meeting
Thought this would be the right area to look as well, you always were very strong with technology and all of the elite of dear leader's army knew this was where china discarded its rejected weapon prototypes."
where i came from part 3
"must be prototype gear. what do you say we take it for out guys to figure out once we get back to everyone?" aiel let a twisted smile cross his face as he said this. "hell yea!"
Virtual Dreams / Introduction: Technology of Tomorrow
"it's a prototype device, remember, so you'll have to be careful... but why don't you explore for yourself, daddy?
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 12-Final Preperations
"were you racing a leman's prototype?" i asked sarcasticly. "close",jack replied,"a koenisegg agera." i just shook my head as i proceeded to install a new piston and intake manifold.
Paladin 4
Standing up he said, "well i want a working prototype by the end of two months starting next month. if i don't have something by then you'll be up to your neck in shit." "ok i'll have someone get on that right away," i said.
Paladin: Off to a Rocky Start
In fact, that model is an illegal prototype, it took my design which i haven't given the rights to anyone as of yet. so i had to file a claim in order to inform them that someone within that company is stealing.
The Borden Event
Also, send the b.r.h.a.d. prototype unit out to go along with them. it's time to have the two units meet and see whether or not the b.r.h.a.d. unit can bring our d.e.b.o.r.a.h. mark one back to us."
Shrinkwave (2010)
Well, they were actually those pills i was talking about, four different prototypes to be precise. apparently, yours was the one that worked." "you tested experimental medication on us!?"
History, from The First to Second Great War
In order to help police the vast, fledging new nation, the west gives a platoon of prototype mechanical walkers. although crude and cumbersome, they serve the purpose of maintaining peace and unity within the country.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Ten
Following the wolf to the pilot's lounge, sergeant bracken was feeling uneasy obeying the commands of an intelligence prototype that went rogue.