The Human Species Ch.21 - Swarmed Trainer Silver

He wanted to return to his philosophizing, but felt that it would feel a little out of place when sitting next to a sentient bat with no eyes.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Jaqaran is Made an Accomplice

Donichus was suddenly snapped back from his philosophical realms of thought to the present world with baron fernithor's most personal bodyguard, a human with dark eyes and blond hair, boomed towards the crowd announcing that fernithor was to speak now.

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The Falling Vanished

It soon become known to the dreetle that marohen was a philosopher and the only mission in life that was apparent to the dreetle was marohen's desire to live his own life to its fullest extent.

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Academia - Part 8

He wasn't sure what all the philosophical stuff had to do with actually using it, though. "but you wonder what all of this has to do with shocking an enemy, hmm?" a glint of good humor in her eyes told him she'd anticipated his line of thinking.


Black-Winged Angels Chapter 4: Behind Enemy Lines

She once heard from a dragon named tsien that older dragons were philosophers and advisors for their kings, while younger ones become teacher of harnessing natural magic.

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Treasure Hunt

"we are not supposed to be philosophically debating, we are trying to preserve the life of who we love," kardonyth retorted. "then let us review the maps, and see what results they yield," acorech replied. "yes, let's," kardonyth affirmed.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 91

"philosophical, again..." she warned. his bucked teeth peeked out again. "in grown-up school, you get to pick and choose the classes you want to take--the things you really want to learn." "like how i get to pick electives next year?" "yeah.

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It knew what it knew, and had no reason to wonder about the philosophical or underlying meaning of flight.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 44 - “no road is impassable for the tenacious”...

'never knew cars could be so philosophical...' 'you'd be surprised...' i looked at nikki and saw how she smiled nervously as her eyes averted from mine... for a second there, i thought i felt something strange...

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IT’S KINDA LIKE THE PROLOGUE (Of Graduations and Life's New Chapters)

They tend to forget under his aloof and laid back nature was a highly intelligent person who could be a deep philosopher at times. "okay graduations and life's new chapters.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Sixteen

His body may heal in the time it'd take to have a philosophical discussion, but so would the others. "my race could not see over their own greed, like every other race including yours," euno said defensively. "we're getting nowhere. it is a shame."

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