Ode to the Gay Bar I Was Too Chickenshit to Go To
Always told myself someday i'll go and see what it's about pandemic was given as cause as pronouncement of death one more thing the plague took from my small town i had heard that straight folks would go and look at all the queers and ruin the mood
I do write poetry when the mood strikes me. but this is the other poem i wrote that day and just typed up to share. this one is slightly cyberpunk based and that got in as i wrote it. but that's neither here nor there...
Poem: For Dakota
I hope it doesn't stick to you in ways that you find crude i know i've done a lot of things to damper / destroy mood. aft'rall this time is you choose true, you choose me once again i promise things will not be same.
Pokephilia Story - An Aura of Hallowed Nights Ch. 1
Halloween has at last arrived in daegar, and the people are in a celebratory mood. the holiday gives a peaceful truce from the conflicts and protesting caused by the topic of pokephilia, and lakeshire town enters a festive mood.
A Heart's Vow
In-sickness-and-in-health/ without you, i would not be this far it is you that is my shining star always there and ever true you are what has helped me through i would have failed without your strength you held me while i cried at length you deal with my moods
DoC-Ep29-Summertime fun-
#29 of the defenders of crystal the start of the end in order to keep the mood high leo had suggested that they should all head to a waterpark a town over.
Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Peppermint
Rumor has it that her mood can be tasted through the fruit itself, but no one's ever made it close enough to find out. she doesn't stay in any one area for long; she inspires the children who taste her fruit to search her out in their adulthood.
A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (coming soon)
Or will the christmas theme spoil the mood? ~nitro
The Ending, The Beginning
In keeping with this, his black mood hardly lifted over the last few days. only a few people knew the reason for this bout of depression, but even those that did could do little to help.
A Worn Down Lizard
"i don't mean to intrude, or stir up a mood i know all too well, but who did you lose? the grief on you, in you, is fresh." the wolfess looked at him, and the flare of tints he saw was impossible to read.
Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 4)
So, tail held high, wagging to and fro, jen left the bakery in an elated mood that she had begun to associate with spending time with sam. \*\*\* sam walked back behind the counter smiling and slipped on her apron.
The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Eight: The Cure for Writer's Block
He wasn't in a very good mood at the moment. he had just spent most of the day typing then deleting ideas for his new book. eros's curiosity was not helping devlin.