But enough of the tortured metaphors, lets get to the meat of the stories.
Surface (Chapter 1)
Yoga may have been designed for getting people used to enduring being in uncomfortable positions metaphorically as well as literally, but it did, like everything else, have its limits.
An A-pear-ent Issue
Time seemed to move so fast, each metaphorical bite feeling like just a second or two passing, though the damage done to sven's frame was truly prevalent. the fox would move in each fruit one by one, creating an assembly line of sorts.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Two
The full moon had just been a couple nights ago, which meant tonight's moon was still fat and juicy, like a big silver fruit that i was sucking the juice out of, and...okay, so dex isn't the only one who sucks at metaphors.
The endless night.
Chris was one that didn't like adventure very often, but when the stirrings in his soul got to him, he had to break free of his metaphorical binds and escape into the world to experience something other than what he had chosen.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 50
Was it some sort of metaphor, or did he genuinely believe valery wasn't real? had banno gone insane, or had he been insane from the very start? and if so, where'd he been hiding it all this time!?
Love is Color Blind Chapter 10: Outplayed
The fireworks sparked, lights glowed, and he was on cloud nine or some other cheesy metaphor, that's how he would describe the kiss. he thought it wouldn't end. "yes, i would like to be boyfriends." kuyomi whispered when they finally broke.
Life of Flare
All of it is fictional, or metaphorical in a sense. either way i hope it is at least interesting.
The Breegull Boat Part 2: The non-garbage barge.
Most know that floors don't behave like that, and she correctly assessed she had falling into a frying pan, metaphorically, and a large, open container of thick oil, literally.
994 The Default
Where nothing is real and everything is a metaphor, all of this is just his will stood against the way the world works.
991 Death as a Bookstore Lyonesse
Enough mixed extended metaphors for you? "of course, in order to survive such an action and remain sane, you had to forget it. you undid your own memories of the changes you made at the same time you made them.
Chapter XI: Search For Tomorrow
This wasn't entirely true, but given kaeden's issues with commitment, rashid didn't feel it was wise to mention the metaphorical back-door exit to the contract. "do i have to decide now?" "yes, kaeden.