The Orphans Among Us Chapter Eight: Witches
If their mentor left the circle then the initiate was supposed to fill their shoes until their mentor returned or until they themselves decided to leave.
~Dark Times~ Chp.1 The Calling
And i will conduct your training, although i will not actually teach you, just advise you and guide you, like a mentor you could say..."
The Other Dragon World: Chapter 9
Meanwhile, the 'entity' talking to them was actually tien shan, spyro's mentor in illusion magic.
Shepherd Siblings Backstory
It was a slow process, and sometimes felt like it was useless as they had no mentor or way to quicken their knowledge of their own powers but through persistence they, mostly, learned a little of each of their unique magics.
Juryokine: Chapter Seven
"i was out training with my mentor when everything turned green. the sky, the moon, the stars, everything.
With Tooth and Paw: Chapter 5
Tiania had told him, just before the mentors left, 'no matter what, don't break your silence. it's a long trip, but stay silent.' and left with a wink. vedrit found that the carriages fit four comfortably, and many were full.
With tooth and paw: chapter 4
Lost your mentor already?" tirar joked, much to vedrits relief ‘wait...he knew without me doing so much as walking up to him? either it's common or some things up.' vedrit thought, trained to be suspicious by the army, and his relief was gone.
Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 14
"dirge took everything from friend...and you took my mentor, dameon. so don't you dare say i don't know what pain is! last year i didn't even know this world existed!
WIP Book Chapter 1
Tendria proclaimed feeling proud that she was overthrowing her mentor. "tendria, you do know the whole dragons hoarding treasure was years ago before we started working to fight together," dractin started.
Hunting Death- Departure
Once everyone has said their farewells to me my mentor leads me to the exit of this place where some supplies have been prepared. after helping me put the pack on my back he advises me one last time.
The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry Two
She's gonna execute her mentor in front of all of us." "can demons even die?" i asked. "i thought we were outside of the cycle of life and death."
Tutorial (Part 2)
Zade must help his mentor stop a menace. zade: agent of gaia tutorial (part 2) "what!?" syrion questioned. "did i just hear what i think i heard!?" "i guess dinner is going to be extra late tonight," kadara said.