Zecoras mark

No matter what we do there is no escaping the horror of forgetting because of that little corner we have in our brains that memories go into. this is the story of the zebra named zecora and her 2 best friends tricky and howl.

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Twilight Performs a Spell That Goes Just Fine

I figured it was long enough to post as a shortie, though i eventually expanded it a little later on. don't expect anything amazing here, just a little comedy.

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Changeling Heart: The Storm

"oh, don't worry too much on me, i can deal with a little storm!" she gave a sheepish like laugh as i could only sigh and nod.

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Changeling Heart: Saki's Granny

Though it was a little dirty looking, it was better then laying on the hard floor from the other cell. a sink on the other side as well as a mirror above it. "what the...?"

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Changeling Heart: Lighting's Past, Changeling's Name

Using what little magic i had left in me, i picked it up, seeing how celestia already wrote what i had said yesterday.

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Cold Winters night MLP Fanfic

##### It was a cold and snowy night, and all the ponies in ponyvile were curled up in their houses by the fire, trying to keep warm. The snow storm raged outside, only one pony was the one who cause this tremendous storm. That pony was rainbow dash....

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Awake chapter 2 : Where to?

"well, yes but then thats like taking a train as aposed to running they both get you there but there completely different" "well hang on then" i said twilight giving out a little meep as i closed my claws around her and doctor helping hoofs waist "once we

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Lunar Lament - Chapter 3: Desperate Times

Luna's personal journey around equestria has caused her to be a little forgetful, however, or a little too tired to pull it off on some nights. thankfully celestia still has the ability to rectify her occasional hiccups.

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Lunar Lament - Chapter 2: Moonlight

Twilight nods a little as she stares in amazement, quickly gasping and then lowering her front half in a bow. "i-it's an honor to see you here!" she says. the alicorn blushes a little and tucks her muzzle meekly. "o-oh...

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Lunar Lament - Chapter 1: The Coming Curse

Twilight can't help but laugh a little, slightly forcing it out as she looks forward, seeing ponyville in the distance. she sighs softly and focuses on her journey home.

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Princess Luna - Chapter 2

A spell from a game book to kill my little ponies?"_** when i nodded wordlessly, scraping a hoof on the floor, she continued, **_"then how is it that he could have made what is supposedly fictional become real?! how?! you will tell me!"

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23

But would this cost him the very same price; or did i place enough power into the sword that he would indeed place a little bit more and live to tell the tale?

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