Lonely Oak Chapter 108 - Zoological
"naw issa jay-raff," he said, continuing with his goofy voice, "look't da jay-raff." "he's just bein' silly," the rat told the vixen, before she tried to antagonize him about it more. "we all know they're called giraffes."
Chapter 2
He was watching a blue jay. "flare." she said as she got closer. he turned around to see her. "you will need to make a nest to the left of mine." she said as she got next to him. "this is your first test. don't fail.
2 Gryphons 2 Dragons part 1
#1 of 2 gryph this is part one of my story 2 gryphons 2 dragons blue jays, robins, falcons, owls, hawks, eagles. i envy them they are not bound to the earth like the rest of us humans are. excuse me i was just thinking out loud.
Set In Stone
If they'd been as unforgiving as the blue jay was, everyone would do everything better and faster everywhere, all the time.
The Tender Heart 3-Reunion
"thanks, for picking me up, jay. i'm glad i asked you out." "i'm glad you asked me out, too."
Iros; Day 2
jay noticed my car pulled in so he met me over by the flat bed parked close by the building. granted i didn't have any training on it but, it was the only tow rig present when i arrived.
One Chance Part 1
"hey i'm going to buy some food, vince make sure jay gets some sleep, he doesn't look to good." the third guy says walking out the room. "hey jayden, what happened?" vince says as jayden falls onto the bed.
New Days: Chapter II
Then welcome to my home, jay. i will take my leave.", and with that he turned to the door and left, turning the light off before closing the door. that was a close one. i went to sit on tyler's bed to relax.
GoD-Ep22-Darkness Civil war-
Simon jay cambell- cooking prodigy age- 15 bio- from a normal family he is trying to become a famous cook to get his family out of his old multi-generation family home. appearance- 6'6 chubby black cat.
Tuff Ch. 6
jay had a console and some games but didn't play much anymore, alex had never owned a video game system so it looked pretty impressive to him. dan paused the game suddenly, his nose picking up something.
Rivers of Suggestion
jay t. science, the diabolical science teacher at sheridan high, and trafficker of illegal, tropical spiders (their venom went big-time on the black market) ... he was the logical conclusion. he was aloof.
I know it was inspired by a recent character design done by jay naylor, because it was shortly after i saw that when this formed.