Episode 9: Paradigm Shift

"he sees you as reckless and irresponsible. he's generally a giant pain in my ass, with anything that your ship or you do," stiles sighed, "yet i can't really just tell him to jump into a lake.

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Denver XII

Well, she really couldn't call felix irresponsible, since he had stayed at his post dutifully ever since they'd left trident iv, and was going to make sure the ship was fixed.

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Episode 13: Recovery

"she said i was irresponsible and implied i had no direction." "then maybe we don't need to be seeing each other anymore..." " "and, well she dumped me." jack sulked.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 12: Kobold's Legacy

"it would be irresponsible. after all his effort in finding us, we would not turn him away." "we also can't allow him to leave. as you have noticed, it requires one of our kind to reach this place and to pass through the barriers without danger.

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