Covert Ops

Running down the corridor and up the ladder well, mike stopped in front of the ship's store, put his dime in a gumball machine, grabbed the gum, and continued to sprint for the chopper.

Blotches - Can't Come Clean Unless You're Dirty

Derrick's face seemed strained, the tiger's lips were pulled so far back that his fangs were visible to the gums. the rolling rumbles of hisses tumbled from the tiger's maw.

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Chapter 9 - Sacrifice

The shuttle began to ripple, the same effect used by asgard ships before it shot off, for a moment, the ship looking as if it had been stretched out like gum before it shot into a large blue vortex that opened.

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The Changing Dream

Unable to resist a quick glance he finally peeked over his shoulder to see the wolf's mouth open with gums rolled back about to make the inevitable bite on him.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty

Tang started to pull on his lips, revealing his white teeth and pink gums beneath. "this plan of yours will take a few years to start to take affect so i hope the base will be ready by then," tang mentioned, continuing her examination.

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Not So Retired Any More VI

His breath smelled of sato's favorite strawberry gum. "tamra? tamra, can you hear me? let me know if you understand what i'm saying." then, before she could respond, he yelled back down the stairs.

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Dire Wolf Forgiveness

The tan had his jaws locked around the front leg of the silver, and the silver was sinking teeth into his shoulder until gum kissed blood-soaked fur.

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The Changing Dream

Unable to resist a quick glance he finally peeked over his shoulder to see the wolf's mouth open with gums rolled back about to make the inevitable bite on him.

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Conquering the Black Seas

A growl rasped out of his maw, his lips pulling back to display his beautiful white, sharp fangs and pink gums. he was sick of this! so sick of this trouble he was going through to gain nothing! "hear me creatures of the black waters!"

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Where There's Smoke...

The lupine pulled his legs up, then sprung back to his feet, his gums showing as he snarled. windthor held his ground, his fists clenched as he lowered into a fighting stance. "right... you wanna fight? fine, show me what you have, wolf."

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Off Leash Chapter 3

I'm sticking to him like bubble gum in curly locks." the squirrel's voice sounded like a young child's as his bushy tail thrashed. so the squirrel had either doomed me or saved me, depending on what happened next.

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Sonic in Rehab

This wasn't the first time he woke up in such a state but by gum it would be the last, he said to himself, pounding his fist on the rough wooden counter.

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