The Changing Dream

Story by Joshuea on SoFurry

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This is the first story of four in my Changes Series. Please let me know what you think as I continue on with my first ever story series.

"Run faster, RUN FASTER!" Joshua told himself. He was running as fast as he could, trying to outrun the great feral wolf that was chasing him. Although he was running as hard as his legs would carry him the gravel road beneath him only allowed him to propel himself but so fast, and with every step the wolf got closer and closer. Afraid to look behind him each step he took he found himself cringing waiting to feel the bite of the wolf. Unable to resist a quick glance he finally peeked over his shoulder to see the wolf's mouth open with gums rolled back about to make the inevitable bite on him. He felt the breath on the back of his leg and just as the wolf's fangs began to sink into his leg, his eyes flew open and he was once again sitting in his bed, cold sweat pouring from his skin.

"Ah... That same dream again." he muttered to himself as he turned to silence his alarm clock. This was but another restless night to be chalked up thanks to the wolf in his nightmares. This wolf had now plagued his dream so many times that he had lost count long ago and no longer cared about the number.

After silencing his alarm clock Joshua threw the covers that remained on his bed from his thrashing off to the floor. As he was gathering up his now sweat drenched sheets he couldn't resist a glance at the calendar that hung there above his nightstand where his alarm clock lay. There displayed for the month of November was a proud black wolf. As he turned his gaze from the picture of the calendar all around his eyes were bombarded with more photos and images of wolves. Wolves had always been his favorite animal for as long as he could remember. There beauty, grace, capability to stand alone or with a pack, and they loved the night, as did he. This worked in the favor of Joshua for he worked as a night guard at the local prison and was on one of the night shifts there, so he got to see a lot of nighttime.

He decided he had gazed at his pictures for long enough and decided to get his shower and continue on about his day. He places his sheets in a pile on his bed while he steps into his closet and grabs his bathrobe dawning it before stepping out of his bedroom. It was often colder in the rest of the house that Joshua lived in than it was in his bedroom so he often grabbed his bathrobe even if only leaving his small sanctuary but for a moment. Robe now on he gathers back together his sheets to take them to the laundry room to start there washing while he got his shower. After getting his sheets started washing Joshua walks back to the bathroom across the hall from his bedroom and into its dark embrace. As he enters he turns the light on and begins to take off his bathrobe reminded just why he likes animals so much, they actually have more hair than he does. He was your average 6'3" white male. Brown hair, brown eyes, and 5 o'clock shadow. But what was unusual about him is what normally remained hidden by his clothes. He was covered in hair from head to toe. He often blamed his love of animals on his "kindred" appearance he shared with them.

He decided he had revolted himself long enough and went on about getting his shower. After washing off the sweat that hat drenched him the night before, he dried himself off and quickly slipped across the hallway into his bedroom. He quickly found the clothing he was going to wear that day and decided to go on about the rest of his day, or evening rather, considering it was 2 o'clock in the evening.

It happened to be his day off this day today and he had decided to make a trip down to the mall and hang out for the day. Before he left he decided to relocate his sheets from the clothes washer to the drier so they would be waiting for him when he got home that evening. When he got home later that night he decided to get another shower and just call it a night. He walked into his laundry room and carried his sheets back to his bed dropping them into a pile until he had gotten his shower. After completing his shower he walked back into his room and quickly made his bed to start another pointless attempt at a decent night sleep. He finished making up his bed and pulled the sheets back and slipped into their cool embrace. Just before slipping into his slumber he thought to himself "They say the only way to conquer your fears is to face them. Well tonight I'm facing that wolf that prowls my dreams."

He relaxed, with a determined mind of conquering this fear, and slipped off into slumber. Unaware of how much or how little time had passed, he found himself once again standing on a gravel road staring into the eyes of a large black and white wolf with nothing between them but air and tension so heavy it was weighing down on Joshua's shoulders. The wolf didn't move a muscle, Joshua felt as though the wolf was staring into his literal soul. Unable to take the pressure of the staring contest between himself and the wolf he turned to start running away, as usual, provoking the wolf into pursuit him. After making it a few steps he had a jolt of memory come back to him, he was supposed to face this wolf. He attempted to spin around to face the wolf on one foot but found the wolf was already much closer than he had anticipated. Seeing its target turning to face it the wolf lunged at Joshua with its front paws hitting him square in the chest knocking him flat of his back.

It happened so fast that Joshua barely had time to grasp what had just happened but one thing he did know was standing straddle of his chest was the large wolf staring down into his eyes. He felt himself want to fight back and try to throw the wolf off of him but he found himself lost in the eyes of this beautiful animal. Knowing that he was now at the mercy of the wolf he brought his arms up and try to at least protect his face and as he did so he felt a sharp pain in his right arm as the wolf sunk its fangs deep into his arm. He felt the pain surge through his body and jerked up sitting in his bed once again. He felt of his arm expecting to feel blood pouring from it but felt nothing just hair, skin, and strangely still the pain of the bite.

"This is to weird." he told himself as he got up placing his bathrobe on again, he went to his bathroom to try to run water over his arm in an attempt that it would soothe the pulsing pain. As entered the bathroom he turned the light on and standing there where his reflection should have been was some sort of wolf man staring back at him. Startled by what was looking back at him in the mirror he stumbled back into the wall suddenly out of breath. He slowly decided to take a second look into the mirror to confirm what he thought he saw. And there in the mirror was that same wolf face that was there when he had turned on the light. It wasn't so much of a werewolf face but more like a gentle cross between his previous human face and the face of a wolf. He looked down at his arms to see that what was just dark hair has been replaced with literal fur. He slowly took his bathrobe off to see that he was now two toned in fur. His stomach and chest were now covered in a sheen white fur, as he looks back up at the mirror he notices the white fur runs up the front of his throat and to the tip of his now wolven muzzle. He also notices as he looks into the mirror that his brown hair has now become part of his fur and has changed black and sticking up out of this tuft of fur is two black ears lined in white. As for the rest of his fur he was as black as the midnight, except for, where did that tail come from? He looks behind himself and sees a large black tail tipped with white hanging behind him like a large, furry, limp noodle. As he turns back around he notices his normal five toed feet have now changed into a four toed paw and his ankle was higher off the ground than it had been when he had his human foot. If he had still had his normal feet he would have been standing on the ball of his foot although he felt perfectly balanced and comfortable. He looked at his hands and they too had changed. The palms of his hands now had pads just as a wolf's front feet did and also just as his now very closely related wolf counterpart his fingernails had been replaced with claws.

It was all too much for him to take and he ran outside thinking and hoping he was still dreaming or hallucinating or something, anything! As he stepped out of his front door he was met with another whole new world of things to take in. He could hear what seemed like everything, every rustle in the grass, every snap of twigs, even the wind itself now played a melodious tune in his head. He could also smell all sorts of new and unusual odors in the air that while he may have been able to slightly detect before were now each and everyone noticeable and distinct. Even his skin had become more responsive for as the breeze whisked through his fur it sent a chill to his bone and he felt like he could feel every strand of fur move in rhythm with the wind. It was at this point it also occurred to him he had ran out of his home with just his underwear on and he was not cold, and seeing as it was still dark it did not bother him at the moment. In that instant he had went from panicking to a more relaxed state. In the midst of hearing more than he ever had, smelling new scents had never smelled, and being outside in his underwear he felt strangely calm and happy. Then he felt something he had never felt before. His tail had also reacted to the sudden change in his mood and had slowly begun to twitch itself back and forth. As it did he found it slightly amusing which made it start to wag even larger. He then took a couple steps off of his front porch and felt the cool grass mash down under his pawed foot and was met with light of the moon shining down on him, he had always enjoyed looking at the night sky but now it was something truly amazingly beautiful. That giant light in the sky that provided none of its own light, an empty reflective shell, still gave him a peace that he could not to have begun to explain. He just collapsed into the grass and sat staring at the moon almost feeling entranced by its beauty. Everything that had just happened to him suddenly didn't matter, all of his cares drifted as far away as that shining moon that was encompassing his vision.

After what could have been an eternity as far as he was concerned, he broke his stare from the moon and got to his feet deciding he needed to get some sleep before he had to head to work that night. Now exhausted from all that had just happened, as he walked back into his bedroom he looked at the clock only to realize that he had only been asleep for about an hour when all of the night's events had perspired. Too tired to worry about what was to face him tomorrow he fell on his bed and was almost instantly asleep to sleep the most peaceful sleep that he had could remember.

To be continued...