Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

They are accepted by most, though interbreeding is extremely rare and tabooed in most cultures.

This is Solo...Welcome To My World

Most would think that they are extremely violent and unpredictable. that is far from the truth. they are an extremely peaceful race that is few in number.

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How can one visit the facilities?

As the device was designed to withstand extreme temperatures, this often results in extreme user discomfort and severe injury if used improperly.

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The Best Defence...

Christie liked to consider herself extremely lucky to have attained such a rank.

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Sydney's First Egg

Sydney was feeling extremely anxious about going to school today. this was going to be her first egg, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to handle it well if she was still at school when it came.

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The Best, Worst Show

Hazelnut finally learned something extremely important. it always can get worse.

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The Deoxys Collective

_ the last word echoed in the garchomp's head extremely loud as if shouting.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 17 - A Night Of Intrigue

"yours is just a bit more extreme than mine." "i'd think so." i smiled sheepishly. "what do you mean?" she cocked her head slightly. "if i take this off, i die, right? so yes, that's a little extreme." i laughed.

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The Guardians Shadow ch9

The whole place was literally covered in spider webs, which made progress extremely difficult as the threads were not only extremely sticky, but also numbingly deadly.

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Paradox - Prologue

He is extremely fast, using wind to his advantage. he prefers to use two rapiers, created from his own ice, that can pierce nearly anything. twice, as elementius has it recorded, taeo found his ‘armor'.


Caught in the Hunt

Inside of the cage was an extremely angry dragon slamming itself into the blue glowing bars, and roaring as loud as it possibly could.

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War of men

One of its extremes was thick as a branch, and it narrowed until it finished in a disc-shape like with the same diameter as the other extreme. it surface was smooth, as some stones are on summer, but it was wood.

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