The Firm Law

It's a question whether or not he'll get any information out of the boss, but our collie homicide detective takes his job seriously. in this case, perhaps a little too seriously.

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A Noir- Prolouge

I guess i should introduce myself, my name is detective nick fury, or so it said on my front door.

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Chapter 2: The recovering begins

The detective begins with a somewhat drawn out start. "...who's who?" the detective continues, as his gaze moves taking in the condition of both patients.

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Sinking Offer (Otherwise Untitled)

#162 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, tracks down some rebel smugglers to make an offer. things sink.

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Sign Here (Otherwise Untitled)

#181 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, embarks on a surprise inspection.

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Risky Noodles (Otherwise Untitled)

#173 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, accompanies her landlord and his date. ~ the small restaurant was a dull rumble of noodles consumed and groups chatting.

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Efficiency Meal (Otherwise Untitled)

#207 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, selects a meal.

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Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 2

And that, most definitely, is what that detective did upon arriving. for a lot of detectives, it's standard protocol. the average criminal will crack under enough pressure if applied swiftly and sharply.

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Off the Books (Otherwise Untitled)

#152 of short stories detective clip, jackalope for the law, takes on a side job.

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A Fiery Desire

Maj was a detective, only second to myself, he was extremely gifted in deduction, raised in london, but even so...he was such an oppurtunist, he ended when me and him got into an unfortunate detective war, a war inwhich the first detective to solve the case

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Excerpt of Part 1 of Connor's Story

As his trainee graduates and gets her detective's badge, they get a new case, a missing teen, part of the university's football team.

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