Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Into the Light
A safe detachment using the manual release mechanisms would take at least 16 hours - there is no possible way my original plan will still be feasible given these new circumstances.
Superhero Story: Lively Latex Ladies
After a second, it pulled itself together in the form of a hippo, and completely detached from the wall. it opened its eyes, and then smiled. "sorry for the rough greeting, my dear.
Old Wounds
The skunk nudged his head at the staff with an attempt at detachment. he saw a thousand thick, long needles sprouting all over fugue's body right in front of him.
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 11
With a large paw he used his claws to pull the bars, now detached from any solid object, out of the cell. one by one he threw the metal poles out of the way, freeing burrows from under the chamber bed. "right, now to your friend.
Nuclear War
My detachment's job was to clear unexploded ordinance that the nuke hadn't blown up, and to deal with any survivors that we found.
One Wish (gift)
He watched with disbelief and some detachment, as if it was happening to someone else; his eyes could see muzzle stretching from within, echoed by sharp pains and the stretching of fuzzy, fluffy hide and skin.
His balls seemed to swing side to side every step he took, and faeir couldn't seem to detach his eyes from them. he'd never seen another guy naked. this was a show for him. when zura reached him, faeir walked with him towards the partly done home.
Gone and Come Home Ch.1
Thinking nothing of it, probably some poor creature who got in the street at the wrong time, even though there seemed to be an odd sort of detachment from it, but probably some mangled part of it's body.
The Hunter's Choice Chapter Two: The trial
Soon the hunter closed his distance and didn't expect what was about to happen as he lunged forward the young blood swung the club up and with a heavy smack lifted the hunter with so much force it had detached the hunter's mask from his face and with this
The Redeem: Chapter 4
He said, calmly and detached. "i'm already there." "you don't know the meaning of hell! hell is watching the man you love tell you that he wants you dead. hell is becoming hated by the people you cared most about in the world.
First Love, First meeting
I'm not as detached from society as you think." end!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lonely Oak Chapter 11
But standing at nearly seven feet tall, always dressed in a business suit, and always with a detached look on his face, mr. pretty was a very mysterious and imposing figure.