Gone and Come Home Ch.1

Story by Bloudin-Ruo on SoFurry

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#2 of Gone and Come Home

Remember, all of my stories are not linked unless specified to be. Basically, think of it as each story starts over, each of them have a different background and progression. So, no story unless it is a series shares the same background, as in some might have me at different ages, different relationships, personalities, physical characteristics, ect... Also, if you're under the age of whatever, bla-blah-blahhhhhhhhhh................ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Gregory, I am a 15 year old maned wolf, and this might be the start of something new, or not. I live with an adopted family, my parents abandoned me at an early age, but early enough for me to remember. I remember that they loved me, loved me as no others could, a love for a child. Then they left me. They left me for anybody, for me to fend for myself at the age of six. I remember they cared for me, gave me a warm home, loving kindness, and a loving heart for me to reside in times of fear. They left me, and my life has been spiraling ever since. ================================================= Flash back 9 years previous, on the night I was abandoned: It is a dark night, nearly 7:00pm, and raining nonstop. "Where are we going, daddy?" I inquired in my little child voice. "Please, just be quite, you'll see son, it's a surprise." He said, looking desperately at my mother. "Why did you make me pack up Mickey?" I said in an innocent voice. I was inquiring about my stuffed animal, Mickey Mouse. "Because--You're going some where... I can't tell you..." He said looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with me. A few hours of silence passed as my mother drove the car down the street in the rain, and my father looked out the window, constantly putting his head in his hands. After the hours passed, we pulled up near an old billboard on the very outskirts of town, easily 100-150 miles near any sign of the city which I had never left. My father got out of the car in the rain, and he opened my door, and told me to get my stuffed animal from the next seat over. We both got out of the car, and walked near the sign. With my stuffed animal in my arms, he kneeled in front of me, and took my arms in his hands. "Son, I'm sorry." With that, he got up, walked to the car, still with me not knowing what to do, and got in. At that point, I knew that something was wrong, maybe they forgot me! I ran to the car, but before I could open the door, they locked the car. I heard the car start, and I started beating on the window, and I saw my parents for the last time, saddened and broken, I watched them drive away without me. I was lost, in the rain, alone with nobody to go to, and my only two memories from what I had to offer were my Mickey, and the faces of my parents as they drove away without me. ======= I sat there a while on the curb of the road, hoping they would come back for me, but they never did. I decided to walk a bit in the direction that we came from, hoping that it was the way back to my house. I walked a bit, really only about a tenth of a mile, but for a child the age of six, in the pouring rain at night with the knowledge that his parents just left him is an amazing feat. After a bit more of walking, I was getting tired, so I decided to settle down and try to sleep, not knowing of what lay in the middle of nowhere on an abandoned road away from any city. Soon I was so tired and exhausted from the mental and physical tress that had been put upon me, and despite the rain, I drifted to sleep beside the road, unaware of the situation I was in and what things were turning to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still in the past: The bus was rattling on, and the children were getting rowdy. As her friends tried to calm them down, she saw something beside the road, something the resembled something of a small ball of fur or something. Thinking nothing of it, probably some poor creature who got in the street at the wrong time, even though there seemed to be an odd sort of detachment from it, but probably some mangled part of it's body. She went to the back of the bus where he black and white clad sisters were trying to soothe a boy who had gotten a little too rowdy and had hit his head on the side of the metal bus. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I heard some big thing pass me, suddenly jolting me awake. Fully aware, I looked on as a big, old metal bus passed me, right in the direction I was going the day before. It took me a while before I completely understood what I missed, then I immediately picked up Mickey and ran, yelling after the bus, but failed to attract any attention. I ran as long as I could, before I had to sit down and rest again. I could still see the bus in the distance, trudging onwards away from me. Despite the rain the night before, now it was scorching hot, and my fur did not do anything to help the temperature, nor did the sky. No clouds in sight, over 100 degrees, and a thick layer of fur easily caused me to overheat. But I kept walking, determined to get back to my parents, to the ones I love. I trudged on, for hours at least with no water, food, or support. I knew that it couldn't be that far away. But what I didn't know is that it was, it was more than a hundred miles away, and my parents were not even there. They were dead. But I did not know that, and the thought of seeing them again, and having their love for me to be back was so powerful that I kept going, no matter the heat, the hydration and hunger, I kept going, my childish intuition telling me that they were not even away from me, that I just needed to go a bit father. But every time I thought they would be there, they weren't. But nevertheless, I kept on going. I walked until I came up to a small tree-line separating the road from the back country. I chose to take the back country, as there was shade on that side form the trees. I walked on and on, going and going. I walked for about two more hours, then I began to feel a little bit lopsided, then I began to lose balance, and everything faded and I hit the ground. I had no idea what was going on, like maybe I had made it, and now something was happening that I had never experienced before, I was not afraid, I was too tired to be afraid. I had no idea what death was, and I had no experience with it, so I thought to myself that I was certainly going to live, but what I didn't know is that my feet had such bad blisters from walking on the dry ground for so long without any shoes, just my bare paw pads, that if I had walked for much longer, I would have lost my feet if anybody ever found me. I just drifted off into nothing as I lost conciseness, now knowing that my saviour was a mere two hundred feet away. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still rumbling on, the children quieted, the one boy has been dealt with, and everyone relaxed, the bus went on. They still had a while more to go, and the one who had seen the thing beside the road was having second thoughts about it, that maybe it was still alive and needed their help. But it was far beyond their reach now, and there was no use worrying about it, so she let it go for now, when she had the time she would pray for it later, but not now, she was busy. One of her sisters, a small dragon, came up behind her. "Sister, young Jimmy has woken up, he wants you." "Yes, thank you sister." As she was walking back to help the young lion who had awoken, the bus jolted, and quickly slowed down, and also quickly woke up all of the children. "Sisters! Please help the children, I must go talk to George." "Yes, sister." They all said in unison. She walked up to the driver, a large, but very nice, bear named George. George had been the orphanage's driver for 15 years now, and was very trustworthy. "George, what is wrong?" Said the head sister. "I think we have a flat, sister Flyia. It will take at least an hour or two to patch it up, or even more to replace it with the flat I have in the back. You get the children off of the bus, keep them occupied." "Yes, thank you George. Come on children! We're stopping here for a bit! Off we go!" With that she led the children off of the bus, the rest of the sisters tending to some of the more problematic children. After rounding up the children, and George already jacking up the bus to change the tire, sister Flyia found a bit of time to pray for that poor animal she saw by the road. "Excuse me, sister Gihira." "Yes, sister Flyia?" "I'm going to go off for a minute or two, I need to pray for someone." "I understand, we can get this for now." "Thank you, sister Gihira." With that, sister Flyia set off past the tree line, about 150 feet back from it, and found a nice spot to pray. She knelt down and began: "Dear Lord, please help the traveling spirit of that po-" She stopped suddenly, getting the feeling that something was calling to her. She looked up, not knowing what was wrong, and looked around. Nothing but black bushes and ground, dry, sandy ground. But, something caught her eye. Hardly noticeable in the shadow of the lowering sun, and in the shadow of the tree-line was something blowing, not like a bush, in the wind. It looked like fur...