Gone and Come Home Ch.6
I was so startled that I jumped up out of the sofa and was halted as I felt myself pinned down by some orange furry blob, and ripped myself free and tried running around to the other side of the room, again forgetting about my knee and within the first...
Gone and Come Home Ch.5
The next day I arose early, even before dawn. I tried getting up, but then was reminded of my injuries by a stiffness in my three places from the braces attached to me. I laid back down, taking this time to take in the drawings plastering the walls of...
Gone and Come Home Ch.4
Sorry this one took so long! I sort of took a break sometime in between here...so... here's number 4! * * * I awoke again to the sound of a door closing and metal clinking on a hard surface and feet thumping up stairs. The door to the room opened...
Gone and Come Home Ch.3
I woke up eerily, expecting myself to be dead and awake to glittering stars and nice fluffy clouds. I was halfway there, as there was fluffy white things that I did not recognize. But, when I tried to move, a searing pain in my knee, neck, and side...
Gone and Come Home Ch.2
It is nine years later, three years with my adopted parents. They have no other children, my father is drunk and abusive, and my mother is over stressful and yells at me like no other. Today I am starting halfway through the semester at a new high...
Gone and Come Home Ch.1
Remember, all of my stories are not linked unless specified to be. Basically, think of it as each story starts over, each of them have a different background and progression. So, no story unless it is a series shares the same background, as in some...
Gone and Come Home Ch. 7
Sorry it took SO long... Well, there is still more after this though, but this is the turning point of the story =) I woke up the next day to the smell of pancakes. Oh how I loved pancakes... I was limping around, getting dressed when Jim came...
My First Time, My First Love Ch. 2
Months past, and Troy and I were able to be together. Nobody protested, even his friends understood when he told them the news that he was going to stay with me. Now with two money sources, we were able to even sell my old two room apartment and...