The people of my mind. Ch.2 I'll call her Mureen

This strange alien was trying to communicate to her, its language if you wanted to call it that seemed all but useless, but now it was pantomiming to try to get a message across.

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File #9 - Determination"

Came the voice of a romulan female over the communications system. "open a channel!" ordered captain nicholson as kiska finished rubbing her eyes and returned to her station at the helm.

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Omniscient Third

I'm lost and my sight is failing as my eyes are drying and dying with horrifying haste, their lines of communication extinct. in a few seconds i shall have to bid farewell to this world, which seems to endarken around me.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter One

The creatures were obviously communicating with each other, seeming to be in some sort of disagreement.

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Drako Tygon- chapter 2

Stephen whispered to her, "did you give him the communicator?" she shook her head, then stabbed a thick needle into my right ear. it hurt a lot. she said, "_now _i've given him the communicator." i said, "it hoit.

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Mixed Tale 5 - Of Entities Unknown

To settle on, they couldn't communicate with the gronks.

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Chapter 14 - The Lie

There was a crackle on the ships communication with a slight voice that sounded like djynn's. "i have blocked internal communications" chanted eclypse with an almost robotic perfection to his voice. "now he tells me!"

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A Reason to Live part 1

A muffled voice called out through a crackling communicator. "raymond, are you there? come in raymond." the fur was startled until he realized where the voice was coming from.

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Invasion Part 3

We will look into this and relay our findings the next time we communicate. until then." the lcd display went black. i turned to one of the communications technicians. "record and log a transcript of our conversation today." the otter nodded.

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Unfamiliar Magic

At least until an opportunity presented itself to allow her to communicate, or to find her way back home. the end

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 6

Basic communication protocol for internal chat rooms are necessary. our full designations can get a bit long otherwise."

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Realms of Fantasy Chapter 4: Refur a Friend

Normally she wouldn't be able to communicate at all without a commchain herself, but the refur program allows the two players to communicate directly through what was essentially telepathy.

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