He noticed a large bookcase behind a desk, and a female cat anthro in front of the desk. he wondered how she could open the door, but he noticed a few buttons on her desk.
[Commission] Monsieur Louis Bernard's unlucky day
cat got your tongue?" the figure, stepped forward from the shadows, revealing himself to be a young man, dressed in black, with cat ears on his blonde head.
At The Darkest
"I will never give up who helped me!" I slurred. _What was wrong with my words? Why could i not speak correctly? Was it because i could feel my the life leaving me? No,i was stronger than that._ He gave a chuckle. "The hard way it is Rose." _The hard...
Doctor's crappy day part four
The owner of the hand looks to be a young cat. the truth of the matter is the white cat with big but adorable red gold eyes is not young age whies. the white cat holding dr. jeremy hyde's balls is one of the oldest piece of shit murderers, that dr.
Beware of Cougars!!
Beware of Cougars CH1 By Jimcat78 Sky was looking at Star as he slowly regained consciousness. Sky was wondering what would Jack want with an otter especially one that was a slave. Sky thought Jack was being too kind to one of such lowly station,...
A doctor's crappy day part two
No shifter cat can make their form look younger if they shift their form it will be always the same age.
They were aware of everything around them as they watched with their big glowing eyes, listened with their cat-like ears, and smelled the air with their shiny black noses. they were still when chaos erupted in the children's rooms.
loss of a love one
#2 of poems death ever moves us i loss my cat today, sat and wept the day away,that night i forgot that he was gone. as i went to look for him, i remember that he was gone. then i wept anew for i loss dear friend that day.
the Fantastic adventures of Doctor Erwin and IRIS (part 1)
~doctor erwin, zombie cat.
Our Catty Lady of Enmity
Upon completing my task, i took a a few sips of water from the pool and looked beside me, the cat from earlier sitting there with the same look as before.
Dogs Sniff Butt... Cats All Suck!
He followed its retreat with a; "cat's suck!" sammy bounced up beside him and did a fair imitation of the older dog's 'brawl' and then happily yelled out, "cats suck cats suck!"
The marked chapter 2
She was a cat no doubt about it with pale ginger fur and auburn hair that cascaded down her back. my firsretraction was to prepare for a fight but in her hazel eyes therewhere no signs of hostility. in fact her eyes had a look if sympathy to them.