Yanking up her towel ruth slowly made her way past the other body builders and off into the showers.
Seekers Tale Part 7
The builder class, they had the green hammer. the leadership cast was represented by the white bow and arrow. then there was the priest class...." here shadow interrupts me, "the blue trident! so you were a priest? you don't seem religious."
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 53
Get to work" one of the soldiers grumbled they weren't professional builders, in fact their creative skills were very limited when it came to all sorts of construction, the only thing they could imagine how to put together was wood and bricks, yet even those
The Alliance Part 1
[we are master builders. are engineers are properly the best in the galaxy.] the ship went along side the guinevere and a few minutes later came to a large door about four times the size as the galatica's shuttle bay doors.
The Dolbin Maze (Various TF/TGs)
His whole body became much larger, looking as if he was a fur-covered body builder. his face pushed out into a muzzle while his teeth sharpened.
Symphonie Fantastique (Act I): Scene 1.
"the other workers were a mixture of digger- and builder-type prey. moles, prairie dogs, ferrets, beavers, a few welsh rabbits. they say that wherever there's a hole being dug, you'll find at least one welsh rabbit at the bottom," kalmbach chuckled.
Two-Step Revival
But ma had turned against her builder. had gone renegade. joined the cafeteria staff. dishing out free mashed potatoes. and drawing the ire of those around her, who ... attempted to silence her. ma had been locked away.
Early Works - Orion X
"nothing, just that we need both and about 50 builders, 10 technicians, several engineers and 50 guards." "i will get zem and it for you." "thanks kev, can you get one of those brand new stealth fighters and a nissan pandora please?"
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be
"boris meet corey collins and rumble, they are our colony's builders. corey, rumble!" "so this is the he beast you have been telling us about?" corey said as he inspected boris' physique. strong upper body, nice muscle tone too."
Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi
"i knew the builder, who shared many of its secrets with me. he built that chapel, by the way." nice of zackton to volunteer that, thought rexi. "and you're after, what? i find it hard to believe you're after a secret treasure vault."
Chapter 4: The Voice
However, due to the fence being built around the ever expanding forest, i will need to stay out of sight of the builders. the forest is meant to be locked down and they will likely take my appearance as trespassing.
A new voice, light, flowery, and female, answered, "we are the builders." the furs spun, a blur of frantic ears, whiskers, and tails. but their limbs too anxious to move. hearts hammered as they froze in place.