The Wanderer - Part I

Because of that he had gotten a reputation as a good bounty hunter very fast. it was said, he had never turned down a job, and, what added more to his reputation, he never failed.

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Eulogy to the Great King

Daggered words exchanged, tempered and rude retaliatory fees dropped upon the king's grown food the nations crops, left to rot it was this action that began the plot the prosperous kingdom's bounty of rations now cost too much for the far off nations


Paperwork (Otherwise Untitled)

~ as the gryphon could hear footsteps approaching in the distance, his mind began to cross reference the various bounties he'd accumulated against himself with the possible hunters with enough skill and motivation to have so prepared

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The Fair River Adventurer's Guild - Introduction

Those who do not fit in elsewhere, those who have learned to survive out of necessity, and now turn these skill to earning a little bit of coin on quests, or through simple bounty hunting.


Poem: Love

The feeling may be rarer than a bountiful treasure, but once the lid is lifted over its dusty exterior lies an unforgettable feeling, and an unforgettable picture, thus trying to find either is futile, they will find you and you may or may not know until it

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Dreams and Musings: Manta

He was nowhere as skilled as his father was, but he pulled in enough of a catch for the town to remind the people that the sea's harvest was bountiful and large.


I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Six)

A silky sensation infiltrated the entirety of his being as she leisurely slid the sloppy treat down the length of his tongue with her own before slurping it onto her palate as if he were an oyster succumbed to offering its bounty.

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OC: Willy Lucianna

**traits/abilites** :wilhelm has quite the bevy of traits he has inherited from his parents and learned from his training as both an aufernal brachina and cleric in service of the storm goddess of the bounty.

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Descent Ch 4 Pt1: An Invitation

It was then that he took his leave, leaving todd and i to gather the necessary materials needed to create the signal for the pair of, what duke referred to as, bounty detectives.

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Tail Underground contribution part 2

Self respect took priority and sergeant reamius turned to bounty hunter reamius. will lay asleep on the ground at his feet. the fox stirred under his blanket. the bear's head flashed up.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 3: Meow Like an Egyptian

Well anyway, time to business; bounty hunting is lucrative enough that the bigger deals of all things are recorded by those lovable scientists.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 20-The Curse Is Lifted

I suffered greatly before i passed at the hands of eastern bounty hunters, soon the entire earth will know the pain i experienced in the hours that lead to my death at the hands of your kind. your time is up emelia, it's been up for ten years!"

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