Wolf's Rain: The New Journey
(oh, and i'm not sure what will happen content wise) summary: this story takes place before the events of the wolf's rain television show.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 1
Anar had a sidekick like in a tv show, and he'd loved every minute. guen had even chased rave around a bit! but his father had been furious. he'd never seen him turn on him like that before, and the memory terrified him.
Nightmare: Chapter 1
I should start with the simple nightmare that kick started my transition from relatively normal 23 year old bachelor to what could be a character from a 90s tv show.
Raiderstuck (part 2)
There was this guy named bob who always talked about him on his tv show, "bob news" that was supposed to be for news but all he did was try to be funny instead and invite random characters onto the show.
The Modern Huntress
Mic the toad, as far as selene had divined, was not a character from any movie, television show, video game, book, comic strip, or whatever media kids these days were into. he was just some toad named mic.
Theo's Assent - Chapter 2 [Comm]
They made a television show after us which you may be familiar with, seeing how you're wearing grumpy's own design of diapers. besides, you were a fan when you were younger if i remember correctly."
The Hollow Silence, Part One
Then fox did a tv show on the shootout and suddenly every backpacker flocks to worship the place like it's a fucking shrine. hey, look! i found randy weaver's pop bottle.
Revolution | Chapter X: Dreams Into Nightmares
Camera crews from different tv shows were all at the front while paparazzi swarmed them from behind.
Restart Chp. 1
Following him into the living room turning on the tv sitting down on the couch, watching some television show, but i wasn't paying attention to the show, i was too busy staring at kiba, looking at his beautiful blue eyes, his muscular tone, his light
A.N.Thrope Uni - Chapter 1
Her favorite tv show had passed and there wasn't much else to do aside from maybe sleep. that black beak opened wide, yawning hard before turning on her side to grab her phone.
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Seven: Heading Home
The tv show faded into the background as i snuggled up to sukura and smiling he turned off the tv before wrapping his arms around me. i felt exhaustion overcome me and i fell asleep in his arms.
Project Radikal Chp. 4 - There's danger ahead.
Watching a few television shows, yawning and having trouble staying awake. rubbing my eyes and suddenly being overwhelmed by the familiar ticking noise of a clock, making me even more drowsy.