Tales of the Stars Chapter 5: The true battle with Emil! The fight between the Star-Users!

"Emil. . .Are we there yet?" Shiro said. Emil let out a big sigh and looked at her while still walking and said "Almost there, Shiro." Shiro shook her head and gave him a smile and suddenly, she feel asleep on his back. Emil looked back of her and saw...

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A journey through the darkness and the light, a step beyond the worlds we know and into the worlds we imagine the true tale of Jake Wolf

Not original, i know, but it's what i named myself by shortening my true name of jacob which was given to me by my parents. you might be wondering what makes me so special, and i can honestly say, not a lot.

Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5

true heart shouted but stayed down, hands over her head. "no! die!" he aimed at true heart and pulled the trigger.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 37

Noble heart gently lifted true heart's head up so they could kiss.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 23

Two beautiful cubs," noble heart took true heart's hand. "may i...see them?" true heart panted.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6

"they're beautiful, true heart." he turned back to where true heart lay, trying to keep her eyes open. true heart smiled, "they are, thank you." as noble heart stepped over to her, true heart's smile faded.

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**true loneliness** true loneliness is finding out that a someone close to you is gone but not having anyone around to comfort you true loneliness is having friends but still not having friends because you're left out of all if not most group activities.

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Some are true... some are fake... i choose to be a true friend...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 5

"you've always been strong, noble heart, always," true heart held on even as he lay her down on their bed. true heart's grip was too strong and she easily pulled him down on top of him.

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Andross - A Villain Study

But she is an instructor that you need if you are to gain true success. and what i have coming next will give me true success. soon, you too will experience true power. once i destroy star fox, i'm coming for you next.

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 14

"the true bloods have a variety of cloaking devices at their disposal.

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 14

This is why the true bloods are forced to live in such controlled environments." "when the true bloods first sought out the six sources it was for power.

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