Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 14
#60 of Raven Wolf - Novel
Raven Wolf - The Wounded - Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen
It is midday, the military headquarters busy as ever as they tried to deal with this new development that has shown itself last night, a small part of the city being completely destroyed with no real explanation on what had happened. The media and inhabitants of the city not believing the excuse of it being a disaster of natural causes and berating the military with questions, demanding they be told what really happened. They not only having had to put up with a lot of strange occurrences as of late, but becoming tested with the still ongoing curfew within the city, this situation the last straw.
Mort is in the lunch room as he looks over the report he had finished up, it being the write up on Vaan's disappearance, Mort going over it again and again as to try to find some sort of clue as to what had happened or where Vaan could have gone. Although Dmitri was now in charge of giving the Super Soldiers their orders Mort still felt that he was the one responsible for them.
Alistair walks into the room, Mort noticing his entrance as he greats him with a nod of his head. "How is your leg?"
Alistair snarls at the question, not finding reminders of such a humiliating defeat to be pleasant. "It healed up just fine, no scaring either."
He sits down across the table from Mort speaking up and getting right to the point. "I'm not going to be able to capture my target by the end of this week."
Mort stops reading of the files he had been going through as he stares back at Alistair, capturing the target something that Alistair needed to do if he wanted to keep from being terminated. "How are you so sure?"
Alistair frowns as he leans back in his chair. "Haven't you read the reports? Conner was harboring the target, and Chase being the love bitten dunce he is sided with her, that means I not only have to fight that ice wolf but I have to fight Conner and Lockheart 'slash' Eighteen as well to get to him, and as we found out this morning, I can't beat Eighteen, heck I can't even beat defect sissy version of Eighteen."
Alistair looks to the side, their problems not ending there. "If we knew were Swartz was I could team up with him and then maybe I might have a chance, but he and Berights both went missing last night, also it wouldn't hurt to add that without Berights I don't even know where to begin searching for my targets."
Mort sighs to himself as he closes the file he had been reading, throwing it over to Alistair for him to have. "Take that, maybe you'll have better luck finding Berights than I have."
Alistair picks up the folder holding it out to Mort. "Wait, you're just going to give up on looking for him?"
Mort shakes his head no. "My own report on the situation is all I have to go by, Dmitri won't let me touch any other information gathered on his disappearance."
Alistair puts his ears back in annoyance. "So they have you working the big case concerning the quote unquote 'terrorist' attack on the city then? Like they really need more people on that... more than half the military force is being made to deal with that in some way."
Mort shakes his head no, that not the situation either. "I'm not involved in that either, in fact I'm no longer to be involved on the team looking for the targets from Raven Wolf."
Alistair seems confused. "Nothing that happened was your fault, so why would they remove you?
Captain Mort crosses his arms. "Dmitri doesn't want me involved any longer."
Alistair lets out a frustrated growl as he begins to snap at him. "Are you serious that it? Well if you're not working on any of those projects than what the heck are they having you do!?"
"My orders are being prepared as we speak, Dmitri will call me into his office to give them to me as soon as the details are settled."
Alistair leans forward. "I'm not working for him!"
Mort looks back at him. "You're going to have to."
Alistair shakes his head no. "I don't trust him." He looks around him to see if anyone else was within earshot, he looking back to Mort and beginning to explain. "Lockheart didn't just turn into Eighteen through convenience, if it were that simple he would had done it a long time ago. Something happened to him that triggered him to go all nuts-o skit-zo on us."
Mort looks Alistair over, he having a very serious look on his face. "You seem pretty sure about this."
Alistair nods his head, he positive. "I don't have to be an intelligence model to know something happened to him. Eighteen had been wounded before running into me, it was well healed over by the time we fought but it was still clear as day, he had the bullet hole in his uniform and scare to prove it. Somehow he had taken a bullet to the chest."
Mort frowns that not making sense. "That's impossible, the probability of hitting a Super Solider with a bullet is extremely low. Reacting to bullets to keep from being hit by them is something that comes naturally to you guys, you do it with having to think about it, even without realizing sometimes, this even more so true for Lockheart, who has the fastest reaction time out of all of you."
"I know what I saw. It was a bullet wound. To be able to shoot him whoever did it would not only have to have been right in front of him, but close enough to grab him and hold him in place, and Chase had to have been comfortable enough with them to have his guard down to let himself get grabbed in the first place."
Mort crosses his arms thinking the situation over. "Do you think it may have been Conner that shot him?"
Alistair shakes his head no. "No way would he be following her around like a love sick puppy if she was the one that shot him, it was someone else."
"You sound as if you have an idea of who it was."
Alistair nods his head yes. "I think General Dmitri did it."
Mort seems rather surprised by this accusation. "Dmitri? I haven't been permitted to read the reports but it's rather common information that he wasn't there last night. Practically everyone in the military is aware."
Alistair crosses his arms not changing his mind. "The only people that Lockheart would have let his guard down around were you, Conner, Dmitri and the other Super Soldiers. There were no other Super Soldiers but me and him there, and there's no way that he would be helping Conner if she had been the one to do it. As for you, well you're the last person that would think of or even want to harm one of us. Dmitri was there, and he was the one that attacked and hurt Lockheart, triggering him to go crazy and become Eighteen."
Mort thinks this information over, it indeed peculiar that so much information regarding the events that had happened that night was so difficult to come by, yet the knowledge that Dmitri was not there was so readily available, making it feel as if instead of him not being there, the military was trying to cover up the fact that he was there. "You're sure about this."
Alistair nods his head yes. "Like I said, I don't have to be an intelligence model like Berights to figure this out."
A solider approaches Mort speaking up to get his attention. "General Dmitri has called for you."
Mort nods his head getting up to response, Alistair speaking up once more before he leaves. "I don't trust Dmitri, and neither should you, even if I am wrong, which I'm not, there's a reason that Dmitri is trying to keep you away from this situation, and I think you should try and find out why that is."
General Dmitri is sitting at his desk, the door to his office opening as Mort walks inside, Dmitri looking over to him and getting right down to business. "I've assumed that you've heard by now that I'm removing you from the taskforce appointed to handle acquiring Raven Wolf's leader."
Mort nods his head having already been told. "If you could explain to me why you are doing that?"
Dmitri looks over to him, the recent problems deeming Mort unnecessary. "I kept you in the project because you were able to keep the Super Soldiers under thumb better than anyone else. Those soldiers are all now gone, with the last remaining one well on his way to being terminated. Without them there is no need for me to have you around."
Mort speaks in a very stern tone of voice, he clearly not happy with this. "You are the one to blame for all but one of my Super Soldiers going missing!"
Dmitri gets up to face this accusation. "First off, as skilled as you are with handling them they are not yours, the Super Soldiers belong to the military not you. As for it being my fault, I only gave them the orders, you were the one who was supposed to keep them under control."
Mort shakes his head he never having a problem with them before. "You threatened to kill them if they could not perform their assignments within your unreasonable time frame, it's no surprise that they all disappeared before such a fate could be handed to them."
Dmitri crosses his arms. "The military has no business handling dangerous weapons that yield no positive results. I stand by my decision."
Mort slams his hand down on the desk. "Those 'dangerous weapons' are now out of our hands! Though you're doing you best to keep information from me concerning the incident that happened last night I at the least know that one of the Super Soldiers is already attacking us! Lockheart was able to take out several groups of armed soldiers, killing all but one of them in his attempt to escape, not to mention he was able to overpower and temporarily cripple Quincy."
Dmitri folds his hands. "If there is one thing the military has learned it's that as impressive as a Super Soldier's capabilities happen to be, their performance is lacking and never leads to the desired results. Lockheart with be taken care of, as will any other Super Soldier that is foolish enough to play the mutiny card."
He picks up a folder that had been on his desk handing it to Mort. "As for you, well I have a special case for you, a request from a very high profile individual that I received just this morning. You should feel yourself lucky to be getting such a task, my office has been bombarded by soldiers that had heard about the order wanting to be given this assignment."
Mort takes the file from him. "No assignment would possibly be capable of getting that kind of attention."
There is a knock on Dmitri's door as one of the soldiers enters, a star struck look on his face. "You haven't given the Ms. Kelpie assignment to anyone yet have you? Cause if not that I'd be more than happy to fill the request!"
Dmitri holds his hand out to Mort. "A moment to late I'm afraid, I just gave it to Captain Mort."
Mort frowns at the name, it not being as familiar to him as it was with the other two. "Who is Ms. Kelpie?"
Thousands of domestics of all ages stand within a packed theater, they having braved the rain and fog to come her as they call out and cheer to a stage in front of them that was brightly decorated with bright girlish colours.
Mort right now stands behind the stage speaking to the manager of the whole ordeal, the busy doe trying to answer questions her subordinates would keep asking her while trying at the same to speak to Mort. "Oh you have no idea how much of a relief it is to have you here-" She turns to a boar that had just asked her a question. "Are the ninja's ready it's almost their queue?" She looks back to Mort continuing as if she had not just been interrupted. "Honestly with all the chaos that's been happening in the city with those fugitives, natural disasters and possible terrorists I wanted to pull right out of the city and cancel the event, but Ms. Kelpie -bless her hard working soul- wouldn't let herself get scared away by all that and insisted that she continue here just as planned, and even if she would let us leave the military isn't letting anyone in or out of the city anymore after what happened last night, not even us."
She lets out a sigh as she clutches a clip board close to her while speaking. "I told the military that if there were going to force us to stay here that they should at the very least accommodate us by sending our star actress a guard. You have no idea how relived I am that they sent you, for a while I thought my request was going to go ignored. Everyone's mind will be so much more at ease with someone from the military here to act as her body guard."
Mort holds his head, this assignment completely foolish compared to the ones he had previously been working on an probably would have been ignored if Dmitri wasn't looking for an assignment to dump him on. "A body guard assignment for an actor..."
"Not just any actress Mr. Mort, Ms. Kelpie is currently one of the biggest names in show business today, and just between you and me, most possibly the absolute sweetest gal I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Why if something were to happen to her the world would be devastated."
The crowds begin to cheer louder as music begins to play and several figures walk on stage, Mort's ears flattening against his head, the sound aggravating, Dmitri not only getting him as far away from the military's most recent high profile assignment, but possibly sending him on the most annoying one that existed. "I don't even know who this Ms. Kelpie is..."
The doe is taken aback. "You don't know who she is? My goodness how could you not know?"
An evil laugher fills the air as a voice plays over the speakers announcing the start of the show, the crowd starting to boo and hiss at the voice. "Welcome to the start of my reign of terror! Bow to your new overlord and pledge allegiance to me! Or face the wrath of my robot ninja army!"
Hundreds of children and fans scream out yells of 'no's' 'never's' and other words of protest, the evil figure that right now took the stage speaking up once again. "Foolish mortals! You cannot defy me! Especially when there is no one here to save you!"
The music changes to a heroic theme and the crowds start cheering, a woman's voice now yelling out catching the attention of everyone in the area. "I don't think so!!"
The two voices begin to banter. "Who dares defy me!"
"I do, I will not let any harm come to these innocent people."
The manager motions for Mort to follow her, she walking him over to an area where what was happening on the stage could be seen, there several figures currently on stage at the moment, she pointing to a gorgeous white horse with a lovely blonde mane and tail who was dressed up in a rather elegant super hero costume. "That lovely filly right there is the one and only Naida Kelpie, known better by the fans by none other than Shera, Pegasus of Power."
The main villain begins to taunt the hero that had appeared before him. "There is nothing you can do to stop me!"
Shera does not seem intimidated. "You're wrong! As long as there is evil good will be there to stop it!"
The crowd cheers at they begin to chant the upcoming speech along with her. "Gifted by light and granted with the blade of the guardians, I have been chosen to become the undefeatable Shera; Pegasus of Power! With the power of friendship and love to strengthen my blade there is no evil that I cannot strike down!"
She holds a sword she is holding lunging forward to attack the robot ninja's that were starting to surround her. "Justice Strike!!"
The crowds cheer in excitement, Mort turning away from the stage. "This is ridiculous..."
The doe lets out a laugh at the comment. "Oh don't be such a downer, the actual television episodes have much more substance that this, a much better special effects, this is just a fun event for the kids and other diehard fans, part of her tour and all that."
Another attack is called from the stage. "Light of Judgment!!"
Mort shakes her head. "Why would you announce to your enemy that you are about to attack them right before attacking them? I can't see that working in a real life situation."
The doe begins to laugh amused by Mort's comment. "It's not really meant to be realistic, it's just meant to be entertaining, I mean come on, everyone knows that super heroes don't exist in real life."
The show eventually comes to an end, the fans beginning to clear out while the stage hands begin cleaning up. Naida Kelpie looking turning to look back at her manager, she having just left her dressing room and changed out of her stage clothes and into a very formal outfit, having intended to go on her way to meet with someone, the information she had just been given by her manager surprising her. "Oh Mrs. Fina... you really shouldn't have gone through the trouble. I'm really not in any danger while in this city I can take care of myself."
Her manager laughs while patting her on the back. "Naida please! Just because you play a semi-invincible superhero on television doesn't make you invincible in real life. Trust me Cordella city isn't exactly a safe place right now, I mean curfews, terrorists, fugitives, these are all really big things should cause us to leave the city, but since we can't I would feel much better if you had someone to look after you."
Naida looks over to Mort, not really sure about all this. "Surly in a city with so many problems he would have much more important things to do with his time than look after me..."
Mort crosses his arms, though true enough for him the fact of the matter was Dmitri didn't want him involved it whatever it was the military was doing, so even if he wasn't here looking after her he would no doubt be somewhere else doing something just as if not more tedious. "You would be surprised how many important situations within this city's military do not require my attention."
Naida's manager holds her hand out to Mort. "Naida, this is Captain Mort from the cities Domestic Military, he'll be escorting you during your stay here to make sure no harm comes to you. Captain Mort, this is the one and only Naida Kelpie."
Naida stares at him the name familiar to her. "Mort...? Oh dear... I didn't expect I would run into you of all people..." She looks to the side not sure of what to do about this.
Mort seems a little confused, he surprised to find that she knew about him. "You've heard of me?"
Naida looks back to him as she brushes the bangs of her mane away from her eyes, she seeming nervous. "Oh well... yes, I guess you could say that. You see I know someone that had to work around you at one point, they labeled you as a rather unfriendly sort..."
Mort nods his head not surprised. "I get that a lot."
The manager tries to hurry Naida on her way. "Captain Mort will be accompanying you wherever you go to make sure you don't run into any trouble while you're here. Now hurry up and go on your date, we have a busy schedule to keep to today, you don't want to be late for your autograph session."
Naida takes quick glances from either figure, this information not exactly sitting well with her. "I have to take him on my date!? Oh... no, no, I can't do that! Why it wouldn't be much of a date with three people there."
Her manager tries to assure Naida that everything would be fine. "Oh come on Ms. Kelpie, it's not like he's going to be sitting at the same table as you two, you'll hardly notice him there. Isn't that right Captain Mort?"
Mort nods his head. "I won't intrude upon your meeting."
Naida looks to the side, it seeming as if there was really no way to get out of this. "Well... it seems as if you're really not giving me a choice." She looks back to Mort with a smile, treating him kindly even though she didn't fell that she needed to have him looking after her. "Well Captain, it's certainly nice to meet you, and despite not thinking it really necessary I think it's very kind of you to be taking the time out of your busy schedule to look after me." She checks her watch. "Oh shoot, we should hurry, it seems as if I'm already late..."
Shiya opens his eyes waking from the slumber that he had fallen into, the white wolf sitting up on the sofa that he had been placed to rest on as he looks around the room he is in. Dolly resting on the floor exhausted from last night's ordeal, even Fitz who had previously had trouble sleeping around the Super Soldier that was with them, had managed to fall asleep.
Shiya looks from those two to a figure that stood near a window, Eighteen keeping watch of any danger that might approach their location, Shiya looking from him and to a young girl who had her back facing him as she worked away at a computer she was seated in front of.
The white wolf gets to his feet as he looks himself over, the wound that he received still there yet having healed significantly from what it had once been, it no longer as deep as it once had been. He looks back to the others calling out to get their attention. "I'm not dead... I was pretty sure that I was going to die but it looks like I was wrong."
Dolly and Fitz both wake up upon hearing his voice, Eighteen glancing over to him from his position as well while the young girl that sits at the computer turns around to face him, she jumping to her feet and running up to him. "My idea worked! Oh good I was really worried that it wasn't going to be enough to save you, I mean you were pretty far gone and the dosage wasn't as large as I would have liked it to be."
Shiya stares down at her, she looking different than anything he had seen before. "What in the world?" He walks up to her kneeling down in front of her as he looks her over. "In the very long life that I have lived I have never seen anyone that looks like you. I've seen Domestics, Wilds and True Bloods but not you..." He takes hold of one of Lumia's ears giving it a light tug. "They're real..."
Lumia nods her head yes, she not entirely bothered by the curiosity that Shiya was showing towards her. "Well, I guess I'm not surprised you haven't seen anything that looks quite like me yet. True Bloods with half Domestic or Wild linage have only started appearing very recently, my friend Fenrir, who is the oldest one of us is only seventeen. We're all members of a very exclusive project that currently only members of and those that work with the military can participate in."
Shiya looks her over. "You don't look sick at all."
Dolly seems confused by this comment, she approaching the two of them as she questions Shiya on it. "Why would she look sick?"
Shiya looks back to Dolly as he explains. "True Bloods don't survive for very long outside of their environmentally controlled facility, only a few months at the most."
Lumia nods her head. "He's right, normal True Bloods can't live very long outside of the facilities, True Bloods like me though with half domestic or wild bloodlines don't have this problem, we can just survive just fine on our own, this of course all theoretical until I ran away and proved it for myself."
Fitz also begins to question Lumia. "Why did you run away?"
Lumia looks over to Fitz. "My father was an exceptional scientist within the True Bloods who worked in practically every big project the True Bloods could fit him in, one day I guess he stumbled on some information that he shouldn't have, and just vanished. The True Bloods searched everywhere they could think of outside of the compound but after three months they stopped."
Eighteen speaks up that not a surprised. "If you're father has been out of the True Blood facility for over three months then he's dead. I've never heard of a True Blood able to survive much longer than that outside of their fortresses."
Dolly looks over to Lumia, depending on how long ago it was there might still be a chance, three month's had to be an average estimate, it very unlikely that they would die right at the three month mark, perhaps being able to live a few weeks or a month after that time frame. "When did your father disappear? When did you start looking for him?"
Lumia looks to the side. "My father disappeared two years ago..."
Eighteen grunts there no doubt about it then. "That's much too long for a True Blood to live outside of their city. He's dead."
Lumia looks back to Eighteen with a frown. "That doesn't make his mission any less important. Dad left for a reason, and whatever that reason was concerns a very big project that he was involved in that dealt with the Six Sources."
She begins to explain. "Dad went missing for a reason, and that reason was to find the Sources."
Shiya frowns, that not exactly a safe prospect. "The Sources wish not to be found, especially in concerns to the True Bloods. The Sources were trapped and contained in weak mortal forms, and turned into weapons that could only be used by the True Bloods. If he were to approach one of the Sources the likely hood of him being attacked are very high."
Fitz looks to the side. "Sorry to say kid but your dad's situation just seems to be getting worse and worse."
Lumia continues on, not letting the comments get to her. "Dad left me records of all his work and files before he disappeared, when I went through them I discovered that there was a lot of focus on the Six Sources projects, so I decided to focus on it too, to try and find what it was that was so important about them, and I've learned a lot." She looks over to Shiya. "The True Bloods and the Domestics are both planning something big in concerns to the Six Sources, both of which will not end up well for the earth and everyone on it."
Dolly speaks up wanting to know more. "What is it the domestics are planning? What do you know about it?"
Eighteen nods his head also wanting to know. "The Domestic Military is keeping their reasons secure, sharing them only with a select few higher ups, Conner, the Super Soldiers, even Mort who was our former General knew nothing of what our orders equaled."
Lumia looks over to them. "Well where to begin in all this... concerning the Domestics, well to put in plainly they want Shiya, though I'm sure that much is already obvious." She begins to explain what she knew on the situation. "It's because of a relic the Domestics found in a place called The Eden of North... one that is supposed to be a powerful weapon."
Shiya frowns at the mention of such a thing. "That thing was buried along with everyone I knew, how could they have found it?"
"A soldier named Ebon Dmitri gave the Domestic's its location."
The group all look to one another, Lumia nodding her head. "I knew that you would find that name familiar, and judging from what happened to the city last night, you guys also know all about him being an Earth Source."
She begins to explain this circumstances starting very long ago when the sources were first sought to be contained. "The True Bloods are humans, the species that originally had complete control over the earth and dominated life without equal, because of the last ice age though that is no longer the case, though some survived they are no longer the dominant species, and they struggle with much difficulty because of it."
"Innovation and advancements are a human's greatest assets, and it was because of these things that they were able to, and are able to continue to survive despite the many challenges they face. When the ice age came a select few individuals of privilege or worth were chosen to temporarily leave earth, to live within man made colonies in the stars until earth could once more be inhabited. When that time came though humans found that they could no longer survive here, everything had changed, there were new viruses that their bodies could not fight, new creatures they had no defences against, even the air they breathed was different and harmful to them. This is why the True Bloods are forced to live in such controlled environments."
"When the True Bloods first sought out the Six Sources it was for power. To take back earth from the creatures that now controlled it, the Sources were contained and crafted into weapons that they would use to destroy their enemies with, but one by one they lost control of the Sources and all of them ended up slipping through their fingers."
Dolly looks over to Shiya. "You're saying that each Source has a weapon associated with them? Like the one that was found in the Eden of North."
Lumia nods her head yes. "The domestics have found one, and now they seek the Source that powers it, so that they can use it against their enemies, most specifically the True Bloods."
Fitz thinks this all over. "So... this whole mess, is from two militaries who are basically going after the same weapon, and are racing against one another to be the one to acquire and destroy the other first?"
Lumia shakes her head no. "It is not that simple I'm afraid... though the pursuit of power was originally what the True Bloods has started the projects on their goals since then have changed, it is not in their nature to continue working on something that shows little promise, they moving onto another idea if their first one does not work. The True Bloods no longer want to reclaim earth, they know they cannot survive here and have accepted that. What they want is to create a new world, one that will accommodate to them instead of fight against them, one they can survive on without being forced to live in an environmentally controlled facility, another earth."
Eighteen crosses his arms. "How do they intend to do something as large scale as that?"
Lumia looks over to him. "Using the Geneses Ark project, it's been around forever, a large ship that houses data and samples from every living thing on earth before the ice storm hit. Though the True Bloods have such a thing they are unable to utilize it. They've tried hundreds of times, but despite all their efforts they cannot recreate such a thing, not without the fundaments that make up this earth, these fundaments otherwise known as the Six Sources."
Dolly lowers her head, it too incredible to be true. "That sounds... impossible... you can't just create another earth..." She looks over to Shiya, he and the other sources being the ones the True Bloods thought could do this. "Can you?"
Shiya shrugs his shoulders he really not sure. "I honestly can't say that it was ever something I attempted to do before... so I have no idea..."
Lumia looks back to Shiya. "The True Bloods seek to contain you and the other sources, and take you away from this earth to make a new one, but if you and the other sources are taken from this world everything associated to you will leave with you, warmth, cold, wind, water everything. The entire world will die and those on it will not have a chance to even attempt to struggle to survive..."
Lumia turns back to Dolly and Eighteen. "As for the Domestic military, they have indeed found out about this plot and the fate that will befall the earth if the True Bloods succeed, and that is why they seek such a powerful weapon. To destroy the True Bloods before they can accomplish their goals, but such power would not be limited to that single target, anyone who were to rival the Domestics would be destroyed, the wilds, even rival domestic cities of other countries would be attacked, as those that right now lead the Domestic Military seek complete control and order, the world would be saved but it would not be a place you would want to live in, it would be a complete dictatorship, whoever it is that had control over the Sources the one that would rule everything."
Dolly lowers her gaze to the ground. "You're right... neither options would be good..."
Shiya scratches the back of his head, it a lot of information to take in. "I knew that I was being sought after... but now that the details have become clear the concept of not being caught feels like an even higher priority..."
Lumia looks back to Shiya. "You're the only Source that I had some sort of clue or lead to follow and find, you have to tell the others about this, they have to be warned. And maybe... I don't know, you guys could do something to prevent this all from happening."
Shiya looks to the side there not much that he could do to help. "Aside from my sister Shanira I do not know where the others are, in some cases I don't even know who the others are..."
Lumia looks completely shocked to hear this. "What? But... how could that be...? I mean, I just assumed that you would have some kind of constant spiritual connection or something to one another or something like that."
Shiya shakes his head no, it not like that all. "Though before taking physical forms our existence was much like that it is no longer so, such connections were severed and lost as soon as the Sources were placed within hosts."
He places his hand on his chin as he thinks the situation over. "Before last night when Earth attacked us I had only ever met Fire and Wind. Water I knew existed as she and Wind are lovers and contact one another often." He thinks to the last source on the list. "As for Lightning, I don't know a thing about Lightning... I don't even know if he has taken a physical form yet..."
Eighteen speaks up, he knowing a little bit about that. "If Lightning has finally been placed into a host it would have been very recently, when I was still a child and in the True Bloods labs they were currently in the process of trying to contain it. Whether or not the succeeded in this task I don't know."
Shiya speaks up. "Even if I did know who all of the sources were I don't really have any way of contacting them... our means of communication are no different that the means a typical Domestic would have to go through to contact someone."
Dolly seems hopeful, it not impossible, after all four of the six sources were in this very city. "Wind and Water are here, we all saw them attack Dmitri as to buy Shiya and us time to escape. There's got to be a way that we can contact them, I mean they're just so close."
Shiya thinks the situation over while shrugging his shoulders. "Anything I do as a Source to get their attention would get Dmitri's attention as well."
Eighteen crosses his arms before adding to the situation. "This military is on high alert, more so than it has been before, going out into the open to search for them would be a death sentence."
Fitz looks the group over. "That Aither guy was spying on the military for a while you know, following around Mort to try and get information and all that. Maybe if I tag along after Mort again I might spot the annoying bugger, and if I'm lucky he won't try to kill me."
Dolly stares over at him. "You think that you can just spy on someone like Mort without getting caught?"
"I've been doing it every night since Shiya went missing so yeah." He looks over to Eighteen. "Where is Mort now?"
Eighteen gives Fitz a glare. "Well alright, let me just use my physic powers to find that out for you, oh wait, Super Soldiers don't have those."
"Come on you would know better than anyone else here where the military would have assigned him after that huge fiasco last night."
Eighteen thinks the circumstances over. "Mort and the Super Soldiers would be working under Dmitri, while they await their orders they will remain on call at the military facility."
Lumia speaks up, Eighteen wrong, she having just hacked into the military network to get information on the soldier in question. "No... Mort's not anywhere near the military facility... in fact he's been completely removed from the case." She points to her computer monitor. "They transferred him to some other assignment."
Both Dolly and Eighteen seem confused to hear this, both of them walking up to the computer monitor and looking the file over, Dolly reading it in disbelief. "This doesn't make sense, why would they take Mort of all people off the case? He's the one that the Super Soldiers listen to."
Eighteen raises an eyebrow when he reads a name in the file. "Who the heck is Naida Kelpie!?"