Asiza´s Story
Asiza was born on the earth where her parents lived. They were a part of the Angel kings Court. With the age of 14 Asiza was a part of it too. The second female after her mother in the King´s court! But she was even the youngest. She was...
Short story "Feather"
_this is a short story i wrote to get back into writing again. i initially wrote it more than half a year ago - and in german no less. now i finally found the time to translate it.
request story - starsage
I think i did well :3 anyway yeah this is a request for :userstarsage: its a basic "a sabotage gone wrong story" unnamed cat goes to sabotage the oposite team, it goes wrong... karma much?
My Story Ch1
#1 of my story **notice: jake and adrian are my mine, so are the others even though they aren't that important they are still mine.** hi, my name is jake. i'm a wolf with dark brown fur and i'm six foot even. i'm gay, but not openly.
Doodle Story: Life
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **doodle story: life** this wasn't fair to him.
Armageddon(test story)
The music pounded in his ears as Cel waited for his band, Armageddon, to reach the point of their least known song The Valley of Shadow where he got to sing. True this was just a warm-up for the main set, but the band treated it as...
DemonWhiteWalls Story -not finish-
As I lay here on the ground bleeding, dying, waiting for deaths cold embrace, I hear these foot steps, as they get louder I cant help but open my eye. When I open my eye all I can see is this bright light in the sky. As I try to say who is that, I pass...
Festival, A Short Story
Faoul looked out over the fields as he wiped sweat from his brow. A quick glimpse of his foster father's backside though reminded him why he was out here in the afternoon heat. The leather straps of the plough dug into Faoul's meaty chest as the young...
Enigma Story prologue
Here's a story before the present story begins of how pantorin lost his master who was also a black panther. thirteen years ago on top of the presidents building it was dark, rainning and storming out.
Stories from a Dream
stories from a dream it starts in the wilderness, as a warrior travels towards a caravan... the caravan holds the prince of an kingdom that has started to fail...
Garm and Tommy's Story
I dug up the origin story i hammered up ages ago for the two of them. people are always asking me about it. i didn't really polish this one too much, and it's an older piece, so it's a bit rough.
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