CotJ II: The Last Stand. Act I Part IV
It was only until the infinite arrived where they freed, the slavers underestimated the infinite and thought they would make even better slave labour but as soon as they contained the first group of infinite in their suits they were slaughtered as the infinite
Roni, Lyon's Father
Roni examined his phone and found the location of a slaver that was passing near to their property. he sent out a quick message then pulled on the leash to drag white disaster to be sold as a slave.
The Arms Master's Dilemma
Without turning back to look at me gilorndir says in a quiet voice, "last year those two were found in a slaver's cart. the boy had his leg broken for quiet some time, and even though we attempted to reset it; he has a permanent limp.
A Night out
He had told us they were tired of trying to avoid the slavers and the hunters who preyed on nonhumans.
LINKS - Chapter 15 - Chess
"but he is still a slaver." rayes retorted, surprised at the anger in t'varo's voice. "healing doesn't mean forgiving. forgiveness is something that can only be offered by those hurt.
The Lion and the Mouse
They were gnolls, hyena people who either ended up being a raider or a slaver.
LINKS - Chapter 17 - Cascade
"a slaver and a shiyan girl, barely more than a child, damn right i don't trust them." "mmmm, pragmatic." "so... what now?" "well...
Sand and Blood, Part 1
There were even rumors that they ran with slavers and underground fighting rings. "dammit! god dammit!" eve cursed.
Adept Paws 8: Of King and Corgi
It seems the slavers thought that our small stature would make us excellent servants. they thought we were harmless. they were wrong." the white and tan canine interlaced her fingers and looked down with sorrow. "we retaliated."
Return to futureland part 1
What kind of slaver is that jackal?" "i don't understand your request sir, could you repeat it?" "why can't he simply hire a good private surveillance service? so we could fulfil our work completely, that greedy dog son of ..."
Everwinter Ch24: Rate of Convergence
I focused on leonard, "first i'd like some clarification on what agron, or rather, dracwyn thinks of slavers. what would they do if this came to light?"
Anthropia: The Mages (Chanters Edited)
Indeed, many slavers have been known to hire an enchanter to create magical collars that can punish or subdue slaves with minimal effort on the slaver's part. as with any spell school, however, there are limits to how much power a mage can unleash.