Return to futureland part 1
An evil jackal and a clever tigress run a themed park where misterious things hapens , in a universe where nanites are secretely developed
Time ago I read a story written by Tyranmaster and as I have read it again I developed a spin-off/continuation/stuff like that
here's the archive:
This is the first story I upload in this plataform, be gentle with my bad english but feel free to deposit your opinion
Thanks for readding
Return to future-land
The room was almost in darkness, the only illumination came from a 19'' LCD monitor, the sound of a fan and whispers filled the room. Two shadows were talking, monitor showed the administrator mode of a web page, a new promotion is set in the page.
"I hope your idea works"
"yes! it will"
"the chief loves good ideas and proactive people. He will be grateful if we made a good job"
"but, do you remember the last one who failed and made him lost money?"
A jackal in a fancy suit silently entered the room, the shadows didn't notice of the new presence, both shadows kept talking.
"yes, I do, we're not burning money, only 10 bucks a year, after that time we can quit this webpage and stop paying the domain in the foreign server and no problem"
"maybe you're right. Disconnect you of the web when you finish, you know he doesn't like internet connections within the park"
"no matter just a few adjustments and that's all... ... ... ok, done!"
The jackal breathed and touched both shadows by their shoulders "I hope you two aren't connected to the internet"
The both shadows were surprised
"but, but, boss"
"not's what it looks like, chief, sir"
"I hope you have used the deep web, tunneling or VPN to enter internet this time, I'll hate to search for new employees"
An uncomfortable silence
"Reginald Furth doesn't accept mistakes and always makes the corrections, fellows! I don't understand many topics of the web, but what could save you is one of two things, you are using a web browser with plugins that hide your ass, or you're doing this with your own computer"
"we did the both boss, don't worry"
"You know what I always say, 'a computer with no web access is the safest computer'. As I'm in good mood, others will do the same and you deserve a punishment, you will hide the archives, make backups and secure them in an isolated PC, instruct an unoccupied recruit to protect that computer, just I and you both will use that unit, you won't go other place until you finish it and remember... fail again and you'll pay!"
A sunny morning in a quite two-story house placed in a quite suburb
"oh, boy, the time you are going to College is near"
"come on dad, there's nothing for sure!"
"don't be so humble, you're going to make it"
"but dad, I'm starting the 11th grade!"
The two Rottweilers were having a breakfast and enjoying family time, there were few chances to share moments in family, the youngest is a high-class student in the high school, always near the top, but not the kind of person who receives bulling, he was willing to help others in mathematics, and physics, but he has passion for history and philosophy, more accurately, philosophy of science and technology, his name is Randall. The oldest Rottweiler is George, a middle aged strong but chubby supervisor in an electronics factory, he was promised for a promotion after he got back from a well-deserved month of vacations, fortunately, each one's vacations coincided in the same period of the year, the summer time.
George wants Randall to study a bachelor in robotics or electronics engineering, and he heard about a thematic park, a mysteriously hidden park, so maybe, if Randall visited that park, and saw by his own the marvels of technology.
"Randall, I'd like to take you for a trip, in our vacations, I heard about a very interesting park, is a little hidden, but I think it worths"
"Come on dad, I'm a little grown up for a thematic park"
"Don't be grumpy, you're not that old, and in the next years we're having less and less time together"
"Maybe we can go, but I'm not sure"
"we can invite to your friends"
"but, isn't it expensive?"
"I already found the website of the park and there was an offer I couldn't refuse"
"OK, I'll tell my friends, let's see If they want to go, one of them wants to be an engineer"
"Excellent! and I'll invite an old friend of mine, currently he's unemployed, so I think he has lots of time. I'll talk to him, because I'll get him a job in the factory, I need people on my side"
Two days after, in the morning, they were getting ready for the trip, George and his hyena friend, Bruce, were waiting for the arrival of the teenagers. Randall were securing and setting the alarms of the house, everybody needs to make sure the house is safe during the three-days trip.
"not so many news Bruce, I was a little depressed since my wife ran away two years ago"
"I think it's hard to go on"
"not that hard, my father warned me about the cats, and the felines too, but no so evil as cats. James was my friend, and everything was cool, but one day he and my wife left me, after that, one of his relatives, made a rumble in the factory and he made me responsible, I was near to lost my job, but he was caught in camera and that saved me"
"What a revelation George! so you're a specist, but control yourself, because this kind of believes will cause you troubles"
Randall went out of the house and then he saw his first buddy arriving
"Denis! 's up!"
"'s up buddy!"
Denis the house cat had arrived and George hid his emotions not so very well.
"Hehehe George! this will be a long trip". Bruce murmured in the ear of the big dog.
"let me introduce you my dad George and his friend Bruce"
"Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you"
"Hey, the others are coming!"
Randall had no many friends, but he was friend of two of the most hated and respectful bullies in the class, one was the offensive tackle in the football team, Jeff, a big grizzly bear, and the other, the goalkeeper of the soccer team, the badger Tom, and Denis, a kind of gothic house cat, he was interested in robotics and programming, he wants to study engineering in the MIT.
"Hey Randall" the bear shouted
"Jeff, what's up!"
"Look! there comes Tom"
then the badger got closer and after a deep breath he said "Sorry, I'm late, it's just somebody tried to badger me, but I left him on the ground"
The young dog smirked "That's something Jeff wouldn't bear"
"Oh! hahaha" Denis said
"Is everybody ready? this is a long trip, so I need you all prepared and with all you need. Bring your luggage here guys and set up yourselves"
"OK" said all the teenagers in a scream.
"Let's go then!"
And the van goes to the highway, the plan is simple, first stop is in 4 hours for a lunch, then the boys would go for a walk while George take a nap, and then, if George is still tired, Bruce will drive until the destination, 2 or 3 hours more.
They made a reservation in an affiliated hotel of the park, so in the next morning, after the free breakfast, they'll be in Futureland.
The group arrived to the hotel in the evening, so they decide the boys will play something and then go to sleep. George went to the reservation and asked for the rooms, an attractive and beautty tigress gave them a warm welcome, then she showed her savage white and nice teeths placed in a big seductive grin, after the registration she gave them the keys of the 3 rooms, and then she pressed a button.
Suddenly heavy and metallic footsteps were heard and, from a dark door he or it came, covered in metal plates, color with a metallic shine, with slow but natural movements. Big eyes-like cameras, inside, cold blue lights, a label was painted in the metallic chest probably his ID tag. All the shape of the robot resembles a bull, a young but strong bull, as it were designed from an actual model of flesh and bones, the badger, the bear, the younger Rottweiler and the hyena only gave it a greeting, meanwhile as Denis as George were amazed of such a development in animatronics.
In a monotone voice the robot looked at the tigress "Bull Unit 2, ready to serve"
"Bull Unit 2... guide them to sector 4, designated rooms 4,5,6, and help them with the luggage" The tigress commanded.
"as you command" replied the bull-bot, he, or it, put all the cases and backpacs on a cart "follow me please".
The six visitors were set in three rooms with 2 beds in every one. The 2 adults in one room and the other guys accorded their places. Once they were set in the rooms, Bruce wanted to give a tip to the bellboy-bot, but the bull-bot refused, "I cannot accept it, I don't need that, have a good day sir" and then the robo-bull left the room.
Sometimes George is some kind of paranoiac and with a protective instinct heritage from his ancestor, he sometimes acts like a good watchdog. He lost the track of Denis, he hates that kid, but he was responsible for the safety of all the teenagers, after asking the others about the cat, he was in a search, in every common place of the hotel, the emergency stairs, etc. When he went straight to reception, he heard a dialog from a hidden room near reception.
"Otter Unit 4 reporting, I just caught this visitor spying in restricted area, waiting authorization for protocol S-09"
"Sorry, I just love robotics, and I wanted to see your robots working"
"Yes, but that is restricted area" the tigress said to Denis with a menace stare. The cat looks very very frightened
George entered the room, he saw a robotic otter holding the cat by the arm, in front was the tigress, as spectacular as ever, she was between the robotic bellboy bull and other robotic employee, a white or light gray rabbit, the room looked like a maintenance room, computers, random beeps and LEDs flicking everywhere.
"Sorry for the intromission, the kid's just a bit curious, he wouldn't harm anybody, and I guarantee you he isn't a spy" George said, "Come on Miss! He wants to be a robotics engineer in the future, maybe he ends working here" the rotty was concerned, for just a moment he thought he may lost the reservation and their vacations finished early.
"I have the feeling you're being sincere, I've always trusted in guys of your kind" tigress approached the Rottweiler and rose her claws softly in the chin of the dog; "actually he could end working here, the same as you. We are always needing helpers, I know how amazed you were when you saw the first robot from the first time" The tigress replied, displaying a devious grin. "go and don't get into troubles" The rotty now was in yellow light, dog and cat got out of that room.
"you see kid? curiosity almost killed the cat!"
"I'm sorry sir"
"let's go, tomorrow will be a great day"
The tigress made a call phone, some exchange of whispers and then hanged up, she has set an eye on the middle-aged Rottweiler.
Late in the nigh.
"Can you believe it Bruce? That cat almost screwed all!"
"Be calm George, he's just a kid, he didn't mean to cause troubles. Your dad was a rabid dog, no offense bud, and If you still seeing the things as that nazi dawg, every cat will serve you as an escape for your rage, in other hand you saved him, you could have left him alone and the next day he would learn the lesson after a day suspension, I'm really impressed. Anyway, he is as weirdo as you were in High School, enjoying electronics, and science stuffs, maybe he and you have much in common, but he never will act like a protector like you, watchdog"
"... but the tigress in the reception, she looks very suspicious... and she isn't just a receptionist"
"that's what I mean, watchdog"
"jeez! I had forgotten that nickname, please avoid calling me like that in front of kids"
"no problem, 'Spike'"
Next day in morning, Denis really enjoyed the moment, and the other guys were enjoying the excitement of Denis, even they were making jokes all the time. Meanwhile Bruce and George were talking, and watching the joy of the boys.
The hotel was exactly in front of Futureland entrance, the only thing they had to do is crossing the big parking lot that both establishments share. As part of the promo a discount waited to them showing a bracelet. That item given by the hotel had a chip that is connected between the park and the hotel, automatically scanning the chip all charges will be included in the hotel account, as it is in beta testing there will be a 15% discount, plus the -20% for buying the hotel+park entrance, and if the system fails amount will be reduced to a 75%. What they didn't know is that bracelets have a radio localization chip too, hotel and park will be aware where every member of the group have been, but this chip seams to fail sometimes in some bracelets.
When they passed the entrance of the park George said: "ok, we know you don't want to have a pair of nannies, but be careful, stay together, if you couldn't remain in group, spread in pairs, if someone is a killjoy, come back to us or go to an accorded point, the better if it's populated"
"enjoy yourselves guys, well, not that way, I mean... don't waste time and get fun boys" after that speech of the hyena, the boys practically disappeared leaving a cloud of dust in the form of their bodies.
Into a vigilance room, watching the screens, the fierce looking jackal in a fine suit are watching the separation of the group of visitors, an evil grin is drawn in his face. The surveillance room is the weakest apartment of the park, it has wasted few time of Reginald.
"what we have here! It seems Santa Paws, came early this year, definitely it's my lucky day, if I collect all, I'll be nearer of my goal of the year"
"I told you Reginald, but it's not as easy as you pretend, sorry but you have to collect only one, so make your choice" the receptionist of the hotel said after crossing the door, entering the room.
"always, there will be a way Diane, I'll find it out"
"maybe I share with you an idea, but you need to change a little the profile of your, 'employees', if you know what I mean, I have a theory, and if this is true, we will win a lot of benefits"
"Ok Diane, let's listen that idea"
"Fine Reggie, only one question, how good are your programmers?"
The four teenagers were walking around the park, looking for chicks, making jokes, mocking the animatronics, doing everything what a bunch of guys would do if they were left alone. The cat didn't like it as much as the others but some jokes were very hilarious.
"Hey guys, let's find a quite place, look what I brought"
"Denis, Jeff, Tom's so vicious, hahaha"
"we don't want to be caught by the Randall's dad, look there"
Between times a robotic assistant was following the group only with a quick gaze, once where a gray robotic fox, other time a wolf-bot, but suddenly the guys disappeared of the detection space.
Frequently a random technician is sent to make supervision chores around the site, checking robots, attractions, preventing any intromission and searching for any laptop that some visitor could bring in, going where a rumble has begun. The park has grown and now is lack of vigilance personal. That's a work a few wanted to make but all had to do it sometimes. The rat technician assigned to this turn took a grizzly bear bot and both started patrolling.
"Sometimes this suck! I'm agree with making collect and repair of units and machinery, but making surveillance labor? The sun's trying to kill me! what kind of slaver is that jackal?"
"I don't understand your request sir, could you repeat it?"
"Why can't he simply hire a good private surveillance service? so we could fulfil our work completely, that greedy dog son of ..."
"sorry for inconvenience dear user, Bear Unit 3 is designed and programmed to make assistance of technicians in difficult chores, and if there is a complaint, Bear Unit 3 must report it to master Reginald so he can solve it for good of his valuable workers"
"Bear Unit 3, code D3L, delete previous 4 minutes and reboot"
The robot stiffened.
"Code accepted... deleting... delete complete... starting reboot in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Bear Unit 3 is ready; how can I serve you sir?"
"that was so close, hurry up big guy! I was assigned to round routine, come with me"
"Jose, this is not as 'future land' as I expected" a chubby but strong teenager raccoon said.
"actually, I think the same, but I have many questions about this park Dan, I tried to seek and break this server but it seems those are never connected to web, the ads of this place are posted on a rent server, so, I can't attack to recover files"
Both teenagers were almost hiding of the cameras, walking quickly trying to not being detected by the animatronics or cameras.
"cool! that's a good place to hide, don't you think Jose"
"Are you sure there won't be problems?"
"Sure not! let's settle in", after they took seat in a blind spot of vigilance in the park, an empty area behind some stands, the fox was tapping a laptop with a great skill, as if it was natural to him.
"Ok little fox but tell me, why do you have this obsession? Why are you doing this?"
"I was a very lonely guy"
"you were?"
"ok ok, I'm still being a shy fox, the less but I'm still, whatever, a year ago, I had a very good friend, a black panther called Joseph, some day he told me by e-mail he would go with his family to this park, and from that moment, I haven't received any other news about him, he simply disappeared, we in the class were concerned, but his family just moved of the house, I went to ask for an explanation just before they moved away, and they told me I was crazy, they never had a son or a brother called Joseph"
"So, did you report it to the police?"
"I did but the officers told me only the parents can make the reports, and when they went to investigate, the parents told them the same, in conclusion, I only have you in this"
"You brought me into some risky business, you owe me a big one, well, what's next?"
"Hello guys, why are you here? this place is for fun. Oh! Is that a core i5 computer?"
The raccoon and the fox got frozen in a moment, somebody have surprised them, slowly they turned their heads...
Coming soon... part 2