, veldetta asked, grinning evilly as she wheeled a rack in containing a selection of formal feminine attire.

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The New Psychic [COMMISSION]

His arms became thinner and slender while his shoulders lost their broadness to help form a feminine figure at his upper body. two breasts began to push outward, to a rather generous size.

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WC day 4 character bios

While all rather nice to their younger brother, the constant feminine environment made maxi grow up, rather confused.


Know to Understand. Chapter 4: Friends Forever.

"easy d-er boi-o, da ole girly is no kit. girly have mo experience dan all us put togeda." squirt said looking straight ahead while resting a paw on me. something about his word felt reassuring.

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Paradise City

The wizard's feminine voice suggested that the 'sir' part might have been a mistaken guess - under that heavy, hooded, and rather impressive-looking robe, it was hard to tell much of _anything_ about this late-arriving customer.

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He did not quite say that he would fire me, but several times he wondered aloud if he could not find some other femme that would earn him more money.


Let Sleeping Pups Lie

"girly-girls never want to do anything fun! they just wanna do their hair or read books or something boring!" "well, you'll just have to wait and meet her before you judge, hmm?"

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The Dimensional Traveler-Prologue

Chess is having problems writing his next poem," a young feminine voice sighed. a gruff voice asked, "what gave you that idea?" a shrill, snooty voice asked, "the long grass, or the yelling?"


A little story about little me

She would at the time wear silly feminine articles of clothing or accessories and showed me that it was fine to be yourself because people generally wouldn't care.


Conjoined bunny siblings info

This bunny is certainly not all feminine. there is quite a bit of male to see and this bunny isn't afraid to show off the package for all to see.

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Doll Factory

Andlat whimpered as he saw his reflection and realized just how feminine he was starting to look. the fifth arm disappeared and two hoses emerged, one in front of his muzzle and the other right under his tailhole.

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Oh, cow !

That if i was groaning loudly and in a voice strangely feminine when i felt the sensitivities of this place. four udder grew in fits and i perceived that the pulsations grow.

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