Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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#4 of The Hyena’s Concubine

The Hyena's Concubine CH4

"Do hold still, princess.", Marie said as she combed Simba's mane out, arranging it in elaborate styles, while Veldetta brushed his pelt.

"So tell me again...", Simba asked as Marie pulled his hair back. "...what exactly am I supposed to do?"

"Be prim, proper, and make sure you are obedient to your matriarch's wishes.", Veldetta answered, making Simba tingle as she rubbed the brush over his tits.

"And due your best to enjoy yourself, girl.", Marie added. "It is after all a celebratory banquet."

_Celebrating the death of my nation, family, and malehood, _the young shemale thought as she looked the mirror, watching the reflection as the hyenas prettied him up for the pleasure of their barbaric queen.

They arranged his silky red mane into a long, thick braid that trailed down his back, adding an ornate golden chain over the hair as a finishing touch.

"Which would you like to wear tonight, princess?", Veldetta asked, grinning evilly as she wheeled a rack in containing a selection of formal feminine attire.

_It feels even worst when they let choose my humiliating girly outfit, _Simba thought as he looked over the clothes, hoping to find one that was less embarrassing.

He finally settled on a sexy little black number with matching corset and stockings.

_Sexy little black number?!, _he thought, wondering why such thoughts were entering his head as he pulled the dress over his head.

Veldetta secured the corset about his torso, tightening it while Marie slide the stockings over his limbs.

"Now for jewelry.", Marie said happily as Veldetta set Simba onto a stool.

Veldetta grinned evilly as she numbed Simba's ears, tits, and cock whilst Marie pulled him into a bear hug to hold him still.

"Oh stop squirming, girl.", Veldetta said as she pierced his ears with a heated needle, electing a squeal from the castrated shemale. "Your tits and clit are next."

Marie stuffed a pair of soiled panties into Simba's mouth to muffle his squeals of pain as the needle was past through his nipples.

"MMMPH!", Simba squealed, struggling in Marie's arms.

"Yes, baby, I know it hurts.", Marie cooed in Simba's ear as she stroked his belly. "Just one more to go."

"MMMMMMPPPHHH!", Simba screamed, tears flowing downing cheeks as the hot needle pierced his shriveled cock.

"There, there girl.", Marie cooed reassuringly, petting his mane. "All done now."

Veldetta put a small golden stud in each hole as Marie dried Simba's face.

"Makeup time!", Marie announced cheerfully as she opened her kit.

_Ugh, _Simba groaned mentally as Veldetta removed the panty gag from his mouth.

Make-up and perfume were applied, leaving Simba looking at his reflection, wondering if he had ever really been a male.

"Ahh, there you are, baby.", Shenzi said as she entered the room. "You look gorgeous."

Simba turned to face his...mistress?

Shenzi was garbed in a beautiful blued mail shirt over a knee-length blue silk underdress, tastefully accessorized with elbow-length leather fingerless gauntlets, matched to identical knee-length boots.

Over this she wore, to Simba's horror, Mufasa's pelt.

She gave her bitch a look over, lifting her dress to look at her newly pierced cock.

"I see you got your clit and ears pierced.", Shenzi chuckled, stroking Simba's still-tender cock.

"Y-yes.", Simba said, his cock starting to get hard, much to his mistress's amusement.

"Shall we go?", the hyena asked, holding her right arm out.

Simba nervously took Shenzi's arm, allowing himself to lead out of the room.

Shenzi escorted Simba to the Pride's former banquet hall, walking arm in arm through the corridors.

"Umm...where is everybody?", Simba asked, noticing that aside from Marie and Veldetta walking behind them, they were alone.

"They're waiting for us, Princess.", Shenzi said, stroking Simba's paw.

They came to entrance to the banquet hall, two hyenas standing guard outside.

"Do be sure not to embarrass me.", Shenzi whispered warningly.

Simba nodded as the hyenas opened the door.

They walked inside to the cheering and laughter of the hyenas already seated along the tables in the banquet hall.

Simba blushed as many of them complimented their leader on her new bride.

He also saw several lionesses seated at the lower tables, fear and uncertainty evident on their faces.

Shenzi led Simba up to the high table, chuckling quietly at the looks on the lionesses' faces as they watched their prince in drag, several of them starting to whisper amongst themselves.

Simba looked down, unable to look any of his subjects in the eye.

Shenzi pulled a chair out for him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek as he sat down.

"Began.", Shenzi said as she sat down.

The hyenas in attendance began eating, laughing joyously at what for many of them was their first meal they din't have to scavenger or sneak into the Pridelands for.

The lionesses glared at their conquerors from their places at the lower tables, incensed that these mutts had the gale to catch and eat their prey.

"Eat up, dearie.", Shenzi said, slicing a roasted heart into four parts, keeping one for herself and passing the other three to Banzai, Ed, and Simba.

Simba picked a knife up from the table and cut a piece of the heart from his plate.

Delicious, _he thought. _Though I can't quiet place what it is.

_ _

Simba picked up a meatball from a small dish between him and Shenzi and ate it, chewing it slowly as he pondered the unusual meat's origin, and why there were only six in the bowl.

_Testicles, _he thought as he identified the meat.

"Have some of the stew, my sweet.", Shenzi said sweetly, ladling some into a bowl and handling it to Simba.

_Offal, _he thought as he ate a few bites of the wonderfully spiced dish.

He noticed Banzai grinning at him as he took a bite out of one of the four legs of meat on the table, again unidentifiable to Simba.

"Have some wine, dear.", Shenzi said, filling a silver goblet and handing it to Simba.

Simba hiccuped quietly after taking a sip of the heady vintage, earning a chuckle from Shenzi as she kissed him on the mouth.

Simba blushed, turning away on the pretense of cutting a few ribs from the large roasted animal at the center of the table.

"What kind of meat is this?", he asked after he'd picked the bones clean. "It's delicious."

"A most royal meat.", Shenzi said as she lifted the lid off of a small covered tray, revealing a roasted head.

Simba's stomach began to churn as he realized what he'd been eating.

"It would seem he was a king fit for a meal.", Shenzi thought as she sliced a piece of meat from the dish. "Lion jowl, dear?"


Dungeons & Adders CH5

**_Chapter 5_** **_ _** The sun had set over the woodlander's village, the blackness of the night mirroring the blackness of the vermin pirates' hearts. The vermin, numbering perhaps two hundred, lazied about, casually eating and...

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"If you want your mother's soul back...", the drow said, smiling cruelly. " can have it." She seized Arken by her red hair and pressed her mouth against her asshole. "Ou 'onster!", Arken shouted, her words garbled by the ring gag holding...

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