Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 5
#5 of sins of our elders amethyst has a heart to heart with her mother about her absentee father. another short one. but i figured this was a strong enough piece to stand on its own. i'm sure in the future i may regret that.
Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 8
#8 of sins of our elders and here we reach the final chapter of this series: one father daughter trip to try and make up for lost time. now that we've reached the end, i guess i feel like i want to express my thoughts on this series.
Una historia Rimvali
-buenos días, ¿has salido a trabajar sin comer? - giré la cabeza sacando la sartén del fuego, sus labios dejándome un beso en la mejilla.
Till the End of Dawn
"everything is gone, the world we once knew has turn to ash.... is this are punishment for a sins? what can we do? to right our wrongs and sin?"
Annoncement For A Fated Reality
If a sinful spirit can do it, why can't i try?** **see you all next chappy! who knows what'll happen!? i do! :d** **moncheli!**
Resonance Universe (V2) - United States map
The truth is that everybody contains a little sin. it's a black-and-grey need that can transform into an addicting vice, or perhaps an evil act that rots your core into mulch.
Do you forge the seven deadly sins so quickly? have you ignored the teachings of ponticus? you had already sinned with lust. then you sinned with pride." that brought virginia up short. lust? no.
Flamechild - Chapter 4: "Angels and Demons"
I will not help a sinner that sins under _my own_ roof!" she seethed. in their religion, it is a sin to be affectionate, to any degree, in public; or even in private if they are seen. tears streamed down rowen's, kira's, and kiel's faces.
The Legend of the Lost City part 7.
-sf-¿a dónde crees que vas sin nosotros? -ok-?!?!?!?! [orken se volteo y vio al resto] -rv-no pensabas subir ese tren sin nosotros ¿verdad? -ok-[orken sonrio] ¡¿crei que no iban a venir?!
The Truly Repentant
To sin? sin is so easy. it isn't the act of sinning that is wrenching. it is living with the act. it is like a poison that tastes sweet. and then, after a while, turns very bitter. a deadly lure.
Innocence of Youth
Why must we commit ourselves to such sin? not in the biblical sense but instead a sin against our own flesh, like a hot brand into our minds. we carry this mark long into the future, passing its burden from father to son and mother to daughter.
The Sorrows of the Church
Shouted the judge "very well you have given up your last chance, we the council of arkhos, find you guilty and sentence you to prison until you prove yourself attonement for your sins!" spat the judge. * * * part 1 end