Vegetables Are Dangerous People
He was nervous and ready to shoot at anything. the recruit had just finished eating his fast made burger cooked with a couple different types of grease and oil, artificially made sugar and sodium.
I'm Sexy and you know it~
Gimme a call sometime if you wanna set up another shoot, or maybe a little more." he gave her a charming wink.
Vadim, Chapter 11: The Palace
Phil saw the fur that was shooting at him get flung out of the car and then got hit by another squad car that was closing in.
Zombie Apocalypse
"not good, if i shoot him, i get swarmed" thoughts of being eaten alive were enough to still his trigger finger. so instead of shooting the zombie, he unsheathed his machete and lunged at the corpse, decapitating it in one swift swing.
MoonDust, Chapter 5
Another squad was still shooting when they arrived, and sergeant hendricks used the extra time to drill them on their new weapons.
Zootopia: Brave New World - Shocking Developments
Alex heard a weapon begin triggered behind him, and he immediately spun around, forcing the wolf to the ground while he shoot one more lightning into the left wolf, which was ready to shoot him down.
where i came from part 3
No need to shoot!" the man kicked a hand gun across the floor toward them, "here take my gun! i'm totally unarmed! just don't shoot!" "who are you? better yet are you american? you don't sound japanese..."
book part 1
We ran out the door and saw him shooting at a black figure that was climbing on a building. "shoot this thing!!!" dakota screamed.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 53
"don't you shoot my son!" she screamed. "don't you dare shoot my ensa!" but there were more of those sounds, those stretchy, leathery sounds of tightened strings and bending bows, reaching the limit. she couldn't stop them, not all at once.
Chapter Twenty-One (Angie)
"or i'll shoot todd." shit! he has a gun! "or i could just shoot you instead!" he aims at me. wendell kicks rodger in the chest and grabs the gun. it fires off but i don't know where it hits. i have no more time to think.
Erik Kijani: The Hildegard Interview
"start shooting," she called. he was to run from number to number and shoot the balls she threw, whatever that pace might be. shocked, erik quickly got up and dribbled to the first spot.
Pandemic-Day 34 1:15 PM 12/25/2022-Chapter 4-Bandit
"you gonna shoot him?",raf asked. "not unless he shoots at me first",i replied. i slid out of my pickup and shut the door behind me, hearing raf click the locks.