It was sea, all right; simply sporting a belly so large, it dwarfed all his limbs and pushed him well above the ground. sea himself was straining his neck forwards sluggishly, eyeing the patch of sand sitting in front of him.
"uhh... hey. sea?"
Iconmaster, Inflation, Object vore, Seafisheater, Vore (soft)
Leaning over the side of his patchwork craft he sank the basket into the nimbus sea below, scooping up the moistened white air. doing so created a hole in the sea, rocking the craft gently as the sea of white rushed to fill the whole created.
Clean, Fantasy, Peace Maker, Pen and Paper Challenge, Sci-Fi, Starkin
I take my perch upon this sea,
will wait a winter's worth for thee."
ocean took the flier's words.
Bird, Poetry
_"arktul - ocean caster"_
-...i should start a cult.
Anthro, Black magick, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Humour, Magic, Mysterious, Opium, Wolf, black magic, cosmic, lovecraft, magick, wizard
The boy could feel the ocean call out to the dew, as a mystical force pulled on the bottle with a few drops of dew. suddenly he remembered the greedy man, and saw him being pulled into the ocean.
Manta, fairy tale
He started to walk over to the ocean. the ocean moved back and forth in a trance like motion. the waves hit the sand pulled it back in; almost like pulling someone you love close to you.
Ocean, Transformation
Compared to open ocean, the shallows held an irresistible heat. sunlight in open ocean sinks through the water, weakening as it goes, burning off its energy.
Dolphin, Non-Anthro
From the sea she heard a loud, sound, as if the ocean itself was exhaling a labored breath. within the shallows she saw a flowing mass turning and moving with the incoming tide. again the ocean breathed and a spout of mist scattered through the air.
Cetacean, Dolphin, Female, SFW, Story, Transformation, Whale
Then, second-born, that perfect disc of wave-crest hue, mottled as the floor of the sea and more mysterious. half-asleep, the fifth day set. waves lapping at my sides, i mutely watched as the great sea of stars unfolded overhead.
Feral, Monster, SFW, Whale, leviathan, sentient