Spyro Christmas Special
"a wooden doll for dawn, a ball for ignitus, and a cute little plushy for daisy." "that's perfect." cynder purred. "i'm so lucky to have you." "i got something for you too." cynder looked up at him, shocked, and smiled. "you didn't have too."
Templeton the Rat and Pip the Ferret1
So soft and plushy, hehe, and loud. does it ever stop bubbling." she patted it a few times more. "what's your name?" templeton being too frightened to answer, merely shivered. "just make it quick." "make what quick?" "killing me."
A Trip to Betty's: A Sneak Peek
His old teddy bear had been treating him like a baby plushie every night for the last two months. he had no idea why the bear diapered him every night and he had even wondered if he might just be going insane.
Paladin of The Dark Sun, Chapter 3: 7 Years Later
Laid out under the window at the back end of the bed, were some animal plushies. a blue phoenix, a red fox, and a bottle nosed dolphin. laid across the pillows, and almost the size of alix herself, was a river otter plushie.
Shift 001: The Dragon's Giftshop
Kickaha was able to find a plushie that resembled himself! frinkel got a dragon scale hamster ball! so that he could roll around in it and be unstoppable. erakir got a lovely bow with pictures of cartoon kobolds to wear.
Hell Fights Back story one - The Demon's Chance
She looked about her bedcovers and spotted her favorite plushie; a rather battered little patchwork kitten whose colors had faded almost to a uniform grey.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 6
In another corner of the room a huge toy chest with lego sets, plushies, and baby teething toys piling out of it. scott saw to his surprise that a stuffed, black wolf with wings perched atop the pile of toys.
Antoinette's Daycare for 'Littles' - Chapter 1 [Comm]
With that, she grabbed a friendly-looking brown rabbit plushie, wearing a pink diaper just like the one she had been so lovingly put in herself, and brought a blanket over herself.
She was a tiny vixen plushie, with puffy paws and a silly grin, as huge cookie paws rubbed and squeezed at her. under his touch, she grew bigger and fuzzier.
Untamed Love - Chapter 2
"yeah right, she probably thinks i'm a giant plushy with a pulse," mumbled demon going into the kitchen. the panda spotted ulan peeking from the stairs and reached to pet him but got scratched before he ran up the stairs.
Run: One helluva mess.
Catherine cartwright laid snuggled deep in her blankets, surrounded by a veritable storm of plushies and pillows. her scales were warm, warmer than they would be under all the blankets.
Sierra and Wolfs Wedding
Wolf quickly looked around the room, then moved over to one of kiki's piles of plushies. when he found one big enough he came back over to her. "you'll have to be fast!