Scott's Remote | Chapter 6

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#6 of Scott's Remote

A white leopard creates a device that enables him to explore and experience some of his wildest fantasies and fetishes.

Chapter 6

Scott woke up drowsily, he felt incredibly warm and comfortable. The covers covered him perfectly, he felt incredibly secure in his pajamas and diaper. "Wait a minute" the leopard thought as he frowned, still not opening his eyes, "I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing pajamas last night." He then realized that there was something round, and smooth in his mouth. "I'm also pretty sure I didn't fall asleep with my bottle either." Then he remembered what had happened last night, and he finally opened his eyes. As his eyes readjusted and focused, he saw a row of horizontal bars in front of him. Lifting his head, he saw that the bars in fact were not horizontal but vertical, he was in a huge, white crib.. He looked under the covers and found to his surprise that he was clad in a purple, flannel footed sleeper. He reached up to touch whatever was in his mouth and found that it was a large, adult pacifier, which was attached to a piece of cloth clipped to the front of his footed sleeper. Moving his legs he found that he was still wearing the diaper he had been clad in yesterday, except it was much, much more thick. He realized he must have wet it as he had slept through the night.

The memories from the previous evening came flooding back as he remembered how he had cried into the nanny's arms and how intimately she had assured him and gently put him to bed. He marveled at the incredible empathetic and care the bot was able to exhibit. It truly at the emotional intelligence of a person. He pushed the covers off of him and looked around his room. The pacifier fell from his mouth against and bounced off his torso, thankfully being held there by the clip, as he saw that his room had been housed to perfectly accommodate your average adult baby. The room was painted to look like a cheerful, clouded sky, with incredible detail. Huge cumulonimbus clouds floated across intricately detail green fields filled with bright summer flowers and grasses. The room looked as if it was taken from one of the many animated, japanese movies that Scott had watched in his childhood. "Straight from Howel's Flying Castle" he thought to himself.

A huge changing table draw his attention, the table was stocked full with baby powder, baby wipes, baby oil, and all sorts of diapers. Trainers, night-time diapers, infant diapers, play-time diapers, diapers with little baby furries on them, and to his surprise, lockable diapers, and locking panties. Below the table Scott was also able to see an intricate array of restraining straps that could be proud on top to completely incapacitate anyone on the table, in addition to leg cups and and straps that could be attached to the ceiling. In another corner of the room a huge toy chest with lego sets, plushies, and baby teething toys piling out of it. Scott saw to his surprise that a stuffed, black wolf with wings perched atop the pile of toys. It was an exact copy of his favorite stuffed animal that he had lost in London when he was 3 on a family vacation. How on earth had it ended up here?

In another corner a baby jumper hung from the ceiling, to his astonishment he saw that it had been installed with the ability to add a straightjacket component that he hadn't noticed when he ordered it online. Besides a large, red, fluffy and circular carpet on the floor, the only other object of notice was a large, brown closet. Scott could only imagine what other surprises were contained in there. Scott stood up in his crib, to his surprise the height of the bars went three feet above his head, leaving little room for him to be able to get out of the crib. He gripped the bars and tried moving them, they wouldn't budge. Looking down, he saw the locking mechanism keeping the bars in pleasing. Reaching through the bars he unclasped it, and slowly lowered the bars down to the floor until he was able to get out of the crib. Smiling to himself he decided to land on his padded rear, just like a real baby getting out of the crib without permission would do. The wet padding pressed up against his bottom as he landed on it, making him feel especially kiddish. Getting up from the floor, he walked over to the door to his room and opened it.

A delicious smell hit his sensitive nostrils, as he padded downstairs, walking into the kitchen he was confronted with a large, adult-sized high chair and the nanny, with her back tired, flipping pancakes at the stove. Scott was very surprised by the sight, not only had he remembered that he hadn't calibrated the nanny bot to cook but he also hadn't ordered the adult sized high chair, he remember specifically that that was one of the things he wasn't able to afford just yet. Hearing his paws against the kitchen floor, the nanny turned around and smiled sweetly at him. "Now look who woke up and already escaped his crIB: I really ought to make that thing more secure, shouldn't I?" She padded over to him and enveloped him in a warm embrace, kissing the his forehead gently. "Want some breakfast, puffy butt?" She said, as she glanced at the very prominent bulge in his pants. Scott smiled sheepishly,"Yes please" he said. Popping the pacifier in his mouth which Scott instinctively began sucking on, the nanny lifted him up effortlessly and put him into the highchair. His feet dangling several feet above the ground, as she pulled the straps onto Scott, locking them in place snuggly and locking the feeding tray in place.

She walked back over to the stove and began pouring maple syrup on the blueberry pancakes she had prepared. Walking over with a knife and fork, she cut up the pieces into small chunks, speared one a fork, and turned her attention to Scott. "Open wide!" she said, Scott obliged, and she slowly began to feed him with little bites of sweet, syrupy blueberry pancakes. Scott happily chewed the delicious pancake as syrup gathered on the corners of his mouth and whiskers. The rabbit smiled and said, "Aren't we a happy little kitty today, looks like we're a bit of a messy one too." Taking the bottom of her apron she lovingly wiped away the syrup from his muzzle. Turning around she disappeared into the living room and quickly returned with a large bib, one the bib was the company logo for the nanny bot. A smiling baby bunny with a pacifier in it's mouth and eyes closed in glee. Reaching around Scott's neck she placed the bib on him and returned to feeding.

When he had finished all of his pancakes, the rabbit placed a large, adult-sized sippy cup on Scott's feeding tray. "Drink up sweetie, this'll help the num-nums go down easier!" Scott obediently began to suckle on the sippy cup. He wondered how the rabbit knew that blueberry pancakes were his favorite breakfast? Not to mention his absolute love for cranberry juice. As the rabbit tidied up the kitchen and left the room. Scott let his mind wander with bliss. This. Felt. Amazing. His dreams and fantasies had come true! Scott was being treated like a helpless, cute, little baby but an adoring and wonderful caretaker. As Scott finished the sippy cup, he set it down on the tray and attempt to slide the tray out from the high chair. It wouldn't budge, he looked at it front several angles, craning his neck in order to try and see how it detached from the chair. He looked down at the straps holding him place, and attempt to release them. For some reason, the release button wasn't worked at all. As if on cue, Scott began to feel a rather unfamiliar pressure in his stomach. His mind racing, he realized what the rabbit had meant when she commented on the num nums going down easier.

The first cramp hit Scott suddenly, he strained but couldn't hold it back. Releasing a loud fart he felt his stomach gurgle as the pressure on his bowels suddenly grew urgent. Scott clutched his stomach, and before he knew it he was leaning forward and and raising his tail. Unable to control himself a warm, mushy mess erupted into the seat of his already soaked diapers. The restraints holding him fast in place, his backside was pressed firmly against his diaper and the seat of the chair, forcing the mess against his bottom. With another cramp he continued filling his diaper, the mess spreading into the front of the diaper and throughout the seat of the diaper. At last with one final cramp and release, Scott finished filling his diapers, as he additionally wet again into the already soaked padding, Scott panted with exhaustion. Whatever the rabbit had put in his pancakes and drink had completely incapacitated Scott and left him no choice but to release the contents of his bowels into his waiting diaper. As if one cue, the rabbit came back into the kitchen, she lifted her nose and crinkled it slightly,"Uh-oh" she said, as she smiled knowingly over the bridge of her nose at the now violently blushing Scott "Looks like somebody left me a little surprise in their diaper."