A Blinding Death -- DREAM JOURNAL

Not knowing if we finally had been put to rest or become a statue like figure with the others. dream end.

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darkness within

i feel like the world is shifting back and forth....its as if i have no control over my body anymore.....my mind has nothing but emptyness, sadness and hurt as well as my heart.my soul now lost in the abbys of darkness and feels like it will never be...

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beginning anew, past forgoten 2: turning the coals

Damn, what he would do to be a lion or other superior race of born leaders. "preston. preston? god damn it preston answer me" "sorry what do you need green?" "i need you to go into the room on your left.

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Only the beginning

This is my concept for a new story I am thinking of writing, however I want it to be completely, if not mostly, in first person perspective. Now this will be hard to achieve, and Im still deciding if I should do it or not. Even if I dont get enough...

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Inheritence -Chapter 1-

Imagine my surprise when granddad passed, and in his will he left my mother (my father had passed after a bout with pneumonia two years earlier) the rights to the museum, and every penny of his money, while the estate was splits amongst his other sons and

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Are You a Lone wolf

## [Are You a Lone Wolf?](%5C ""Permanent") One of my professors always says: "A lone wolf is a dead wolf." And yet it is interesting how so many of us, as Christians, and even more so as leaders and pastors in the church tend to be lone...

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Dragonheart Part 0

Towards the end of the war throughout the armoria clans, groups of people of all races have been established throughout the country who care about other people's problems.

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**Spinning** It is a funny thing, spinning In the distance I hear a ringing I love the poetic flight Energy flows with delight I bring my arms together The spin grows faster I feel isolated in a bubble of my own creation The power builds...

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Prologue: Initiation

The stood facing each other at opposite ends of the altar, mirroring the other. as raiden approached, they turned to the altar. "ryuu raiden, do ye swear to lay down thine life for the protection or our dear princess, okuda sakura?"

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The fox and the butterfly.

Siso nodded his head slowly as he gently moved his good legs onto kira's hand and she helped him up with her other hand. she gently got up and picked up her bag in her other hand. "doing alright?"

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This is what i was truly after: they were masters of stealth like no other beast.

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The Cab Ride (2012 Edit)

But _great moments_ often catch us fleetingly and blissfully unaware, beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small moment.

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