Chapter 1: This is just the first day

As i walked down the hall i waved to the cute rabbit secretary, head bobbed toward the guy running around with papers, saluted to the serious guy, obliged the "hi-five" guy, and shuffled past the "i'm to awkward for normal society guy". 2.

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World in Conflict Ch 5 U-2

The sergal calmed down immediately after that was said and obliged.

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Static Memory Record 86-75309

I am under no obligation to obey this command, perhaps i can gain a little lenience. "may i have a moment? i am in the middle of-" "now!" shestated, with authoritative tone. "you're using a priority peripheral input port.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Four

But if all i ever heard were warnings from tyler, i was under no obligation to listen to them. it was a little scary, disobeying my alpha, even if it was indirectly.

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A griffon's petting

Teneticus obliged, and delicately pushed below where the black scales on her head ended and the brown and white feathers began, stroking his hand down her front. he started to smile, and his shallow, nervous breath relaxed.

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Gorthorn: Chapter 6: Reality Shift

Did the spider think he was obligated to- his entire world shifted on its axis. "don't you want this?" he checked. the doctor's eyes darted up to him, and away again. that was too much for gorthorn.

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"you know, you're not obliged to follow me." "no, i insist. given the circumstances, i prefer to take you home." "i'm just a waaaalkiiing dump." "don't talk nonsense. wait, i'm calling a taxi." happily, our route took place without trap.

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The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.

He turned and smiled "much obliged dr. neube. maybe someday i'll be allowed to raise one." "you secured a bright future. your moving up the middle class.

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A Tale of Two Foxes

Regardless of their disparate social status, sidney knew he was obliged to answer the question. "um... no. i just-- i haven't heard laranian and i didn't recognize it."

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Welcome to.. Shinzuku City! — Chapter 1 — Part Three

"ohayo, minna-san," he started, as all the students stood up and bowed, along with raiki woho was obliged even if he didn't wish to. jason was awkwardly sitting down as he looked around, confused.

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Treasure Hunt

Our obligation aside, we do not waste our time on love because we know better than to subject ourselves to a masochistic cycle of heartbreak after heartbreak. have you really become so blinded by love that you have forgotten reason?"

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