Seasons in the Sun: Chapter 1 - Missed Opportunities
Finishing up my lunch, i made to clean up before my phone began to ding with incoming notifications. "that'll brant with the shopping list," i muttered to no one in particular.
Delay Of Game
My cellphone was flashing with a notification light on my desk, a missed call from dad. i necked half the glass, winced as brainfreeze got me briefly, then hit the button on the screen to call him back.
An Advanced Reality
The blue netscreen winked into existence in front of me, and i tapped on the notification icon. it was an email from cody.
Zootopia AU- Looking for a future - Chapter 3
A small green light on the corner indicated unchecked notifications. with a light tap on the screen, it lit up to reveal more than thirty messages, all from the same mammal.
Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 7
A minute passed, then a little notification popped up in the bottom left corner of the screen he was looking at.
Leviathan 09: Gospel in Chrome
At the corner of his vision clancy has a notification pop up with alaska's profile pic, but nico ignores the message for the moment. "come to browse salvation?"
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 14: In the Walled Garden
He powered it on and instantly the notifications came pouring in. zhang did call him twice earlier today, along with a text saying that he was going to take his portion.
The Choice Between Right and Wrong
As he looked through a database of different types of the creatures a new e-mail notification popped up in his window.
Not Gay Ch.3
A notification pops up in the corner of his monitor, and his bad mood immediately evaporates. perfect timing! 'i'm back! sorry i took so long. i was getting ready for tomorrow," the message says. 'oh no problem!'
Kane and Kuro in Golden Fist
Kane's phone made a notification sound, waking him up. he shook himself and looked at it. "oh, great..." he shook kuro awake. she snorted as she was roused from her sleep. "what's wrong?" "someone's trying to break in."
Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 101 - "Wish you were here..."
All of a sudden, i heard a notification sound from skype... looking up on my computer monitor, i noticed sam sent me an instant message... _'hi, hon! whatcha doing?'_ samantha couldn't have picked a better moment to interrupt.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 9
When he configured it so it wouldn't give him any notifications, dairyu wondered if the aldoon had more than one remote control, since this was the one he used to zap the scylla. also, he somehow gave away the whip with no apparent specialty.