Latex Lore Chapter 1: The Inflation Begins
He took out his own notebook and copied the item down on a spare page. he would put it in its proper place later. after getting what he wanted, he put the notebook back in its place and stole from the shop.
Good Enough (Earning Your Stripes)
Damien hesitated, but after glancing at his notebook, he handed it over to edward before hurriedly grabbing the notebook in edward's.
My Kitty Chapter 9
I took out the notepad. "hmm, what should i draw? maybe something for trevor or maxx. i know what i should draw!"
A wolf at Mc Paws
Spick said as he pulls out a notebook and a pen. "nothing, i just enjoy the view of the staff" the otter said. "you know, i kinda like those chubby workers here, that's the only thing i'm here.
Let The Wind Blow--Afterward
She said, her voice bubbly and sweet, tinged with a touch of nervousness as she pulled out her notepad. "we're swamped tonight as you can tell!" she looked up, and her eyes brightened when she took notice of mack. "oh hey mack!
Every time I fall
#3 of poetry i found my old poetry notebook from my creative writing class in high school. they were very rough, but there were a few good bits here and there.
Breaking the Barrier: To the library!
I then grab a notepad to do the quick computations to find out how much extra powder would be needed to lift the weight. i stop for a moment, glance down at the notepad, and grin. a few months ago, multiplication like this would make my head spin.
Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part Two -- {An Unprecedented Past}
Pale fingers flickered upon the notebook as he stopped at the page with a black silhouette and only the words 'the sleeping dragon' entailed onto its title.
The View From on Top of the World
I opened the small spiral-bound notebook and saw i was the first to enter my name. i put a quickly signature and date next to it with a small note: best view ever!
Chapter One: And Here My Troubles Began
But everything was fine; camp was established and he barely let things settle before he snatched up his daypack with some food, water, and a notebook to go exploring the mountain.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty One
"a'ight," the waitress put her notepad away and went back to the kitchen. "it'll be a few minutes." "mushroom swiss burgers are the best," stark said, giving me a wink. "you'll be glad i ordered it.
Morning Brew
The adolescent otter quickly turned back to his work, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing by moving his head closer to the notepad.