Lost Into the Past Chapter 11
He said excitedly, his inner prehistory nerd flipping out as he saw it. combining his inner prehistory nerd with his child side meant that he basically was the equivalent of a kid waking up for christmas and getting exactly what they wanted.
The Family Vulpes Chp4
There was still the major drawback of getting leered at by weird, socially inept nerds trying to muster the courage to ask her out on a date.
Souls of the Sands- chapter 1- Past is Past
These put-downs start a sort of cycle, almost, it cycles from the top of the school "food chain" between populars and athletics, down through the nerds and to the bottom of the chain, the looser, someone like me, someone with half decent grades, no athleticism
Savannah Blues part 18
"your such a nerd." he teased following the zebra out with his arm on his back. ralph wrapped his around the hyena's neck and pondered over what a black and white striped hyena would look like.
Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes-- Chapter 1 (Revised)
They met during a after school club for nerds that were into videogames, anime, manga, ect ect. they both played duel monsters, but back then the vulpine was still a newbie. a whole year later they pretty much compete against each other.
Star Wander: The First Generation
Besides were all a bunch of nerds into a certain space show." "star wander? your all a bunch of wanderers?" i asked. the showed me official club id's...
Sure i may look like i have a weakness for jocks but a nerd like you, with your science would be a good idea." even in his buzzed state, the idea required serious thought.
Universal History of the 38th Dimension: Vol 1: Part 1
A super brainy revenge seeking nerd? or your not so friendly neighborhood gun hoarder? well, maybe both of them would fit. a man with a mysteriously unknown personality and ideas decided to basically end the world for his secret plans and motives.
nerd girl, look this way!" turning around the next thing i knew there was a whole tray's worth of food falling down my body. pissed off i jumped up and slamed my fist as hard as i could into the unsespecting jocks face.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep09
Weren't you supposed to meet up for your usual nerd gathering?" "well... that..." "see? deep down you know it's the truth. she's a whore, and if you know any better, you should keep away from her.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01
"well, look who the nerdy cat brought back?" katherine, the snotty she-collie, sneered. "what's wrong, scale-face? your antenna got screwy and you couldn't find you way back?"
Friends Got Talent! Part 1
"a pocket watch, only nerds carry those around" tom said rolling his eyes. "guilty as charged." he said unmoved by the obvious truthful insult.