The Life of Another - Chapter 5
#6 of the life of another minor spoiler alert avert your eyes from this intro if you don't want even a hint of what's to come. yay, managed to get it in for the weekend! a few notes... yes, i will be changing the point of view at times.
Chapter 2
Much like a tree growing at a highly increased rate, the rest of jackie's body also changed in comparatively minor ways.
Angel Eyes and Ocean Tears
"if my money comes to you as a surprise, how can you afford even the minor suite you're staying in?" dante stared at him confidently, proud of himself. "i'd worked for it.
Teacher's Pet
Even minor damage to the shape of the rune could break the spell. and if someone had damaged the rune on purpose, it likely meant they had stolen the book from the library. suddenly, snowheart had a minor crisis of conscious.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-eight
Clearly everyone was still confident that we would find a solution to this minor complication. i admired their confidence. fat gut was the first to come to my aid.
What Once Was Eden Chapter 7 Part 1 of 4
Once the dress was on, servants came to make minor alterations to it.
Unlikely Friendship
However, he saw nothing by some minor clutter. "hmm. well i'm glad he left you. he was a scumbag anyways. he was making you slack off with your chores. oh, that reminds me!
Broken Pieces. Chapter Twenty.
The list went on from these minor land predators. there were of course dozens of different kinds of birds of prey.
The Canary (Poem)
I am only doing minor editing, and posting them with her permission! note to those who know how to write poetry: i'm not sure how to work with this enough so that it's accurate, i added a few bits of punctuation in areas i felt needed them.
Virtually Real Part 0: Introduction
While yes, i've based the main character on myself i do not condone slavery or sexual contact with minors. that said the first part of the story does contains both.
My Unusual Ming
Ok this story is for now "child friendly" although i don't recommend viewing this site at a minor age. the story's are in reference to other writers and their stories.
No, that was just a minor setback. the day i met caleb is when everything i once believed turned around and bit me in the ass. i should probably start from the beginning, it would probably make a lot more sense.