Cruelest Cut
Delicately licking a few stray drops of milk from the back of her hand, sylvia continued to lick up the length of her one arm and down the other, continuing to lick and groom other parts of her body with a rough tongue and reaching parts of herself
Story #6 "Ice Age/TMNT 2K12" Buck's Nightmare
"lick it up!" dark beaver ordered. "no, please!" buck begged. dave beaver grabbed his mouth and pulled out his tongue and put it on the poop around dark beaver's butt crack. "lick it you fool!" dire beaver said.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 24-Romeo Headquarters
She licked me saying"i love you." i licked her back,i love you too." adelind situated herself so that she was comfortable and quickly relaxed as sleep took her over. i was almost asleep myself when ace walked in.
The Couple that Eats Together
Looking her in the eyes he swallowed it then licked her paw clean of any piece of cake that might be left. "thank you," he said, looking up from her paw.
City Sector Uplift part 3
The cream was edible food, after all, and dragons commonly licked their scales to clean them. licking another dragon's scales was a friendly gesture of grooming.
Catnundrum. Chapter Four.
We both know you lick your own ass." samuel laughed again and rob's ears perked up at that. "i am a very flexible guy... but no, i can't lick my ass."
Wolf's Tickle Torure
The two foxes started to lick the soles. the wolf laughed again and louder than before. - nohahahahahahahhaha pleashahahahahahahahahaha not the tongueshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah - wow.
project wolfsoul: chpt 11: who are you again?
Arctic licked his muzzle before licking mine and curling up on her bed and falling asleep. i followed her example and curled up on the floor before dozing off.
To Feed a Wolf
licking your lips as you open wide and take whatever the large pile of sweets into your muzzle feeling a hard shape beneath the ice cream and toppings.
TSB chapter 4
Then pushing her luck, opite gave sirblood a very sensual lick. "oh, and where did this come from?" sirblood questioned as he returned the lick.
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 2 - A New Hope
lick his fur dry. he needs to become warm again. " half star said to the grey cat and he again followed his instructions. the cat began to do some quick licks and after the second lick the kit began to cry like a baby.
A Dragon's Tale-The Final Chapter-Homecoming
"morning my love",adelind said licking me across the snout. i returned her lick before stretching and inspecting my wounds.