The World Games Convention - Chapter 1: GPW Issue 1

Exclusive interview with esports legend kurt hanson!

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TCN interview: Byron Orr

#3 of tcn welcome back to our ongoing interviews with individual members of the orr family of timeline hdk-154. today we have byron orr. as with all individual interviews, this one follows a pre established set of questions.

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Erik Kijani: The Hildegard Interview

#4 of erik kijani as erik prepares for the fba draft, he volunteers to be interviewed by the coach of the tallahassee typhoons, hildegard tetreault.

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Shard - 1 The shattered piece of a Whole

I made a small thankful prayer to whoever was listening that the interview was for one o'clock. i then spent the next hour high tailing it to my interviewers destination.

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Playing God: A Prologue Of Sorts: Born In Sin

Newton was assigned to interview the notorious serial murderer finnley sharpe, aka mr knives, and attempt to unravel his personality.

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August 4: At the Kuri Hardware Shop

Now, let's start that interview..."


Story of the Year

"i'm still deciding what to do with that interview," he stated, trying to bring himself back down with more mundane concerns. "i wonder if it's too chilling to put in. i thought the worst interview would be his handlers.

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They call me Toby

"we even have a live interview with him later on." "that's excellent, carrel." the wolf next to her nodded. "toby, the most friendly badger you'll ever meet, has once again saved the day.

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Bar Jocks: Story One, Part One

I'm micheal guilotti, your interviewer, but you can call me mike. and you are? "uhm...jonathan joseph moose," joe answered back, slightly surprised. his interviewer? "but everyone calls me joe." "alright, joe, let me ask you a few questions."

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Jeremy 010; Time Moves On

His interview was scheduled for the next day. the interview only took fifteen minutes. they'd already decided before even approaching him so it was simply a matter of explaining what his responsibilities were going to be.


"Man In The High Castle" Is Wrong and Unfounded

Off the top of my head, i can think of [one interview]( with reichsmarschall hermann goering.

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A Home Away From Home - Chapter 1: Alone In a Sea of People

Oh well." and tossed the entire mess into the trash can, walking back to his room to get his outfit for the interview. he wanted to impress the new boss, after all.

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