The Morica - Prologue: The dawn of time.

Drekmor bestowed the gift of intelligence to them, the gift of speech, of rational thought, of emotion.

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"our intelligence," admos says coolly, "is rarely wrong, and in this case, i'm_certain_of its accuracy. you've been assigned with operator shern again.

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Destroying God by Being God

And that's assuming there is anything intelligent left on the planet. i'm doing what i want to do and little else matters.

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Lingering Melancholy

It's an odd realization when you find you're hopelessly addicted to something, or simply lost in a habit- and not intelligently pull yourself out of it.


Death In The Holy Land: PROLOGUE

Aman (israeli military intelligence headquarters) general ahriel was worried, and made that clear to the rest of his staff by displaying a large map of lebanon on the front wall of the conference room as soon as everyone had arrived.

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Runewolf: prelude

Thornbeak: often said to be the most intelligent race of xenoth, the thornbeak are the avian race as well. the race has mastered runeforgery, to an extent.

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The Feral Four File

**were-powers:** were-raccoons differ from most weres in that the focus of their transformation is not increased strength, but rather increased intelligence.

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Cybertroopers share a symbiosis with this race of synthetic intelligences, since some members of it tend to develop an emotional attachment to their hosts.

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Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...

It is an awful lot of space, for us to be the only self aware and intelligent life here. (and as i figure you think as i do, here's this. we are not the only intelligence on this planet.

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Stormy Night

I thank you for ending that -thing-, even if it is intelligent. it was eating people, that's not right." i nod in agreement, and hear the headman shuffling his feet.

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"Man In The High Castle" Is Wrong and Unfounded

I'm disappointed in 'man in the high caste,' but what is really disappointing is how easily otherwise intelligent people believe this is actually what would have happened.

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Major Thomas Bishop bio.

Despite the way he sounds he's actually very intelligent. he's also a very skilled mechanic. weaknesses: he can be a little too headstrong and stubborn for his own good at times.

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