Invane: High Vibe

They stepped to horizoki's line, pulled him back and allowed me to be isolated as i continued staring down onto the horizon. then, just like that, something came.

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Venturing: Fogsnatcher

Two were opposite while the path before me reached the horizon. in the distance of the straight path, i could see three other paths branching apart. all the paths were empty.

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Invane: Pack Gathering

As they all turned to me then towards the horizon, i turned to join them and perked my ears up, listening to the sounds of wolf sounds emerging just beyond the arch however.

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Scaly Heart Chapter 3

Haiyata, what are you plans now that you are the main chairman at social horizons?" the japanese reporter inquired.

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Venturing: Influenete

A beautiful sunrise when the sun was rising from the horizon. clouds were hovering in the air. less dragons flying in the red orange color skies with a couple of hatchling crying somewhere.

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EyeWatch: Retraced

I turned to them then away for a moment, staring at the horizon and squinting my eyes was where i noticed something black at one of the walls. it looked like a black ball.

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He picked his head up again, searching the horizon for the faint hope of seeing anything other than rubble and his aquatic tormentor. hours passed, hours spent in near agony of thirst, aches, and burns.

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Invane: Improvise by Impression

Staring down onto the horizon. i caught up towards them and joined them in their sightseeing. though they were a bit surprise by me, they never responded in any other way.

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The Lost One: New World

When the sun was almost below the horizon she found an abandoned warehouse that was boarded up except for one window that was knocked out towards the top.

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 6

horizon alignment in five zero seconds. arrival at horizon in niner zero seconds," micah said. meriah looked back through the windows and realized that the ring had gotten larger than she ever thought a structure could be.

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Chapter 19: Customs of Miran

A blue green aurora stretches from horizon to horizon. "i think so." she says with a smile. the hours roll by and the trio comes inside to change, eat, and rest.

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