Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Forty Four

"cuz this place is boring as fried hell," she answered. "actually, fried hell sounds pretty cool, so this place is definitely _more_boring than fried hell." stark grunted in irritation and turned to leave. "get back in your room.

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Ridding Of Regrets

The funny thing was, he's allergic to chocolate, and since the sushi restaurant only allows one deep fried mars bar per customer, i made him order one for me. selfish, i know, but c'mon.

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Second Thought

She shrugged and looked up as their food arrived, a steaming burger and heap of fries sliding into place in front of her, a plate not much smaller than hers arriving before the bunny. "... let's eat, huh?"

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Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)

The spicy deep fried shrimp with a thin coat of tartar sauce makes for a perfect meal.

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A Light in the Dark

For it will make you stronger you'll lit many lights through dark nights with strength and will the hole you'll fill made by the darkness of people by people who are truly feeble do not give in, do not linger the death will try to make you fry

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Creative Writing Prompt #1: Subject Analysis

Many loose strands of hair hang down around his face and nearly invisible shadows surround his face as he looks down, chewing the crusty-looking fries that smell of grease and sweat.


meeting the love of my life

I got fried flutter bys cooking at home" he sed as he leaned in and kissed me on the nose and poked his tongue at me watching him trot of was just as interesting and watching his hair and tail didn't stop me from taking a peek a his cute buttocks

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A million dollars, laser guided sharks, a dozen pizzas, a helicopter to the coast, a presidential pardon, and a side of fries with no salt. what do i want?

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Isolation-Excerpt 30-The Scientific Method

"i'm sure", allen said, "i used to have one, but it got fried in an emp blast and i remember being in your exact position for days while my body adjusted to the disappearance of the augmentations."

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Taur Caliso's early morning.

Eating away the bovine sighed softly in satisfaction at the crisp bacon and juicy sausage, the way the tomato still burst across his tongue after being fried and how the egg was firm and tasty.

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Chapter 2: Only in Skin?

But there was still one matter...the three still had food on their plates; half-eaten burgers, excess fries, tidbits of mashed potatoes. company policy was to offer to-go boxes in such a case...and biscuit did so.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 12-Final Preperations

I could tell jack had blown a few heads just by looking at the intake manafold,it was cracked and covered in a thin coating of soot,i was surprised he even managed to get it back to the shop with out frying it.

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