Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 4: A Hasty Fortune Telling
"go in peace, child of fate." on that note, i thanked lyra and got moving. we had already been on the move most of the night, so dawn shouldn't be long.
The Reluctant Hero
fate had spoken and we had no choice but to accept it. that was before my wife and son became sick. then my priorities changed. i entered my lab where i had spent the last six months trying to defy fate.
Is my wrath and vengeance worth a fate so bleak? so be it love, my fated child, you have chose your fate. forever lost in darkness now, you who have earned my hate.
leave me be. poem
If you can't handle this fate then change it your way. don't cry for me back, for you drove me away. deal with your crippling pain. it's not my fate.
Journey Through Darkness: The Gluttons
It is over these cerberus guards that none should escape such a fate for if not would it cease to remain would these feed upon every ring without end."
The Aesir Pantheon
Of all the divine tribes, the aesir are the most directly affected by fate. nearly every norse god and goddess is fated to end badly at ragnarok, the prophecied ending of the nine worlds.
The Dark Wish
But if you choose hate, you seal your fate, for this power too will not abate. and once you too seal this fate, its hunger will not satiate. a wish of pain from purest hate shall come forward to fill the plate.
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 3: New Developments
I sighed, closing my eyes as my head throbbed insistently and slumped to the floor, resigned to see what fate had in store for us. it didn't look like that fate was going to be good.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 6: Friendship (part 2)
V=kvw9xqfx7me) (must listen to while reading )** my laptop rang out choose your fate by escape the fate. i flew up wondering what was going on. i looked at my alarm clock and saw that i had to go to class soon. i replayed the song over and over again
Battle Master (Ch 1 Teaser)
fate said that the bearer of the right-paw fildoma would become their lord's tool, locked away, and that was something his little brother did not have the will to survive.
Dragon Sword
Yet they dared fate and won. here the greatest ability of humans was discovered. the ability to change fate itself. a feat not sense repeated on such a scale. yet the dragon sword the gods made was destroyed so a new one was forged.
Battle Master, Ch 2
One by one the fickle strands of fate pieced together the words that would create the sorra he sought out with his unbridled emotion; he would learn of fate's plans in a way that would not only inconvenience the lord of stone-- it would hurt the boar