Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #14- The Lynx Links

"we ate crabs together, at the start of the season," he sighed. "he was a man of ambition. friendly. funny." the tabby's ears also flicked at the lynx's sigh, his gaze unflinching from the jersey.

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Lupus Major - Chapter One

"now, that's that, the last known whereabouts of the fortuna is near the crab nebula, at full warp it will take us three days to track them. it is up to you; you can go into stasis or take some leave for the three days.

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Was that your tail?

"the crab in red wine pepper reduction. did you have trouble getting in i practically had to bite the host hand off so he'd let me in."

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From there, it was possible to get into a hold like a boston crab or a camel clutch, or even throw them in a body drop. yet when a taur went down...they went down _hard_.

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Something About a Time Alone

Returning to cape cod later that late afternoon, i decided we'll have fried clams, the clams now completely sand-free, and crab cakes for dinner. sitting down for dinner, we quietly sat down to eat them.

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Adventures in Kittensitting

"titanic atlantian crab wrestling coaching would serve you well. the simple fact i have to ask is... do you really want to do this?" "oh sure!" kickaha said. "what could go wrong? and by that i mean could you give me a few examples?

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Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)

A pity too since shrimp prices skyrocketed so they're resigned to lump green crab and crickets, usually in a shitty curry sauce or "welsh style stew", something that doesn't exist to anyone's knowledge, even thewelsh exchange sheepent was confused when he

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Siren Song

I was supposed to go help juniper find some crabs but she's boring. so i snuck off like you."

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A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch1: The Runaways

I scurry backwards like a startled crab as the feralgatr looks like it is about to fall forward on top of me, but fortunately it falls backwards against an oak tree and crumples.

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Cody & Jason Chapter 3 Coming Out ?

"screw the bible, dude the bible also says that canus walked on water and that god turned a female to salt, it also says you shouldn't eat prawns or crab well there goes half the population already.

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Cotton Remnants

There's a baking picture of robin and karen casually hanging out; reminds me that we need to cook the frozen crab cakes we have before they go too bad.

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights part 2 last part

crabbing? hanz luffloon: nine....it must have been obvious? keith: under the tarp? hanz luffloon: "ja" keith: how much? hanz luffloon: about two hundred fifty pounds. keith: of what? hanz luffloon: super nip.

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