Was that your tail?

Story by Caelo on SoFurry

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#2 of Tail?


David had recently finished his ADNAMV treatments. It had been a life long wish of his to look and feel more like a dog and less like what he was and his self-esteem had skyrocketed in sharp contrast to his family and friends view of him. They first of all found his costume funny, his spotted coat probably encouraged that, but once he exclaimed it wasn't and proved it wasn't a costume they where all very much shocked and somewhat appalled. Why would I do such a thing to my genes? His girl friend up and left him and if he weren't the top dog of the marketing department where he worked he could have seriously been looking at a pink slip at his job, although he was truly the best at what he did. He didn't care though, he thought this is how it must feel to be out, exhilarating and shitty all rolled up in one neat little package.

Any how David still took to his regular morning routine coffee and eggs with a side of bacon, although he would of never have eaten that every day if he hadn't had the change. Then he said goodbye to Jason his Dalmatian the guy that had donated his genes for David's spot, the tigress at the front desk said it wasn't uncommon and that some of the owners would bring the most "darling" cats to office. Work was grueling but satisfying lunch was chicken or fish. Then home off for his jog with Jason, the jog or walk had been his most hated of daily task going out to the park and walking around aimlessly for an hour after he was dead tired from work; but being the good owner he was he had never skipped a single day and had never stayed less than an hour, now he had taken to jogging and he would tire himself out before going home it was his favorite thing to do. Beside the park was much nicer than his apartment much more open and natural, even if the other park-goers would stair at him the whole time he was their.

This time though he had noticed something strange he was not the focus of everyone's attention in fact it had spread out in too distinct direction him of course and two people sitting near some flowers under a tree that was effectively hiding them from his view well he had to know what was more interesting than a man in full Dalmatian costume walking his eerily similar Dalmatian. He walked up to them and thought of course, it had to be two fully costumed people in their respective tigress and werewolf suits but David could tell just from looking they weren't in costume. Especially since the tigress happen to be the same one from the front desk.

"Hello David how are you and Jason. This is John M. True."Ann said.

"Hello, John and..."

David was at a loss for words he couldn't for the life of him remember the name of this tigress that remembered not only his name but the name of his dog and probably knew his last name too.

"It's ok. It's fun to play tricks with photographic memory. My name is Ann"

"Hello Ann." David said some what timidly." Beautiful day?"

"It sure is. I was just talking to John here that soon encounters like this will be so common place that the government will probably lift the marketing restrictions and perhaps acknowledge our existence in the process."Ann said

"You know I work in marketing I have to admit the website was a little cheesy."

"I know if it hadn't been for the disclaimer I would have never called." John said with a chuckle. "Not to worry I'm fixing it since Ann convinced me to be the new model I decided to design a new website."

By now the interruption in our walk had Jason fidgeting and to tell the truth so was David.

"I have to get back to my walk." David blurted out.

Sensing David's discomfort Ann and John said their good bye quickly. David was rather grateful for this and said goodbye as well. But as soon as he turned back he bumped into a young brunet woman by the name of Sara. Sara now on the floor and exclaim her apologies and how it was all her fault took a good look at the person she had trip onto. And then she did the most logical thing to do when you notice you have trip onto a dalmatian surrounded by a wolf and tigress, she yelled very loudly and then started to apologies to the people in the beautiful costumes especially the dalmatian.

"I am so very sorry. I mean to have yelled all of the sudden just because I bumped into someone in costume I'm mean really what a ditz I am."

While she was saying that and at least five other similar sentences she noticed how much she truly liked the Dalmatian costume it had detailed mussels and it fit him so well like a glove and then when he started to talk she noticed one more peculiar thing the snout opened and closed and the lips enunciated the words.

"It's OK. Don't worry about I'm fine. What's your name?" David said.

"Sara" she answered absent-mindedly she was to occupied thinking how such a complicated costume worked and what these people where doing

"Well Sara I must say you're in for a shock."Ann said."You see David here isn't in costume and neither are we."

Shocked and in disbelief Sara sought confirmation with her eyes from the other two furs and as these nodded.

"Oh." she said and then proceeded to faint in David's arms who had until then been helping her get up.

David sat her on the bench and John got her some water Sara woke up and John gave her a few sips of water. This began a new bout of apologies form Sara that began to think how she had sometimes fantasized about pretty much this and how hunky David was. Then Sara's face distorted.

"Where is Linda? Where''s LINDA?"

"She's right here. " David said as he Jason and Linda played having a merry old time (actually David was separating the two husky and Dalmatian since they were really rambunctious after their owners had let louse their leaches.)

"Oh! Linda. " Sara exclaimed.

Linda obediently went to her master's lap.

"Now that everything has settled I think I'll continue my jog. " David said. He was starting to feel anxious. With the tripping, fainting and especially without his run he was feeling truly anxious.

"Ok then" Sara said "But maybe I can come with?"

Davis agreed and they where off.

"So do you come here often? "Sara asked.

"Actually I come here every day" David said the run was doing its magic "Am I going to fast?"

"No, I'm fine. " Sara lied she never even ran Linda, she usually just walked her.

David could tell she wasn't telling the truth her sent was screaming lactic acid. He slowed down.

"Would you like something to eat?" David said.

"Actually I would, but I really should take Linda home I keep her in the AC most of the time and I came in my own car."

"You know what I now this great place. Go home and if it's okay with you I'll pick you up at eight."

"That would be great."

She took out a card out of her purse/bag and handed to him.

"There's my phone and address. I'll see you at eight."

"Dress nicely"

'Sara G. Wells' the card read 'homeopathic and licensed veterinarian.'. David put the card in his pocket and kept running for a good hour more. At his houses he showered and then went into his little private wind tunnel or so he like to think of it was an industrial fan with a heating element in back of it kind of like a giant blow drier then he took his brush and groomed his fur. He put on his favorite black coat and laughed at the fact it matched his spot. Shoes where difficult only one guy made them custom apparently his family was a long line of shoemakers and he had gone through ADNAMV and saw an opportunity. David had two pares of shoes and a pair of sandals although he wished he could just be bare pawed but that's where his job drew the line actually. The shoes were kind of funny they only had a sole under the toes and the only went half way up his foot.

His mustang pulled over in front of Sara's Home/Clinic promptly at eight. He knocked at the door and was responded with "I'll be their in a minuet." To which David responded by scratching at the door with his claws a sound he knew no pet owner could ignore. Sara came out in a sky blue flowy dress with a little sequence at the base she was wearing sapphire earrings her short hair was framing her oval face. In short she looked stunning. David had actually remembered to get some flowers they were white rose they had attracted him from the corner of his apartment building or I should say their sent had. Sara accepted them and said

"They smell lovely."

"So do you." David kicked himself as soon as he said that it was true though. But Sara had received the complement in the spirit it was given.

"Thank you" Sara blushed. "So where are we going."

"It's a marisqueria some hundred and a half feet from the ocean. I hope you like fish."

They arrived in front of Mar Templado where David parked and led Sara to the entrance.

"I'm sorry sir I cannot let you in." The host said as soon as David had reached the front desk.

"But I have reservation under Campos, David." Said David, puzzled.

"That may be true Mr. David but this restaurant has a dress code and there are no costumes allowed."

"First I'll have you know I am one of the owners valued customers and a dear friend. I am the David Campos that it says on the top of your little book has a table always reserved by the window. Even so I would never ask you to break dress code as you can tell I've dressed the part as for the costume I'm not warring one."

David then gave the now somewhat anxious host a toothy smile which was some where between a sarcastic grin and a plain baring of teeth from something you'd be afraid could bite off your hand.Needless to say, they where promptly given the best seat in the house.

"This place is beautiful and the view."

Sara could see the rising moon from her chair while the waves broke over the sand and in the distance she could see a small palm covered island.

"What is that island called?"

"Palm Tree Island."

"Really how unoriginal."

"Actually I have no idea." David chuckled.

"So you lie to me on our first date not a very good way to start." Sara joked.

"Don't be silly besides you already know a lot more about me than I know about you."

"Yea how so?"

"Well I'm half dog and you're a veterinarian you know more about what makes me tick than my general doctor does now. Besides you lied about being able to keep up with me and Jason."


"What will you be having today Mr. David?" The waiter asked.

"The usual."

"Okay then juey in black pepper red wine reduction and for the lady."

"I'll have the Red snapper all tomatillo."

"Are you interested in any wine or other beverage?"

"I'll have room temperature water."David said.

"I'll try a glass of the houses white wine."

At that moment David felt a sharp pain that rushed a chill up his spine. Someone had step on his tail .David yelped hard.

"I am so sorry was that your tail?"

"Yes, yes it was."

David brought his tail to his lap and started to rub to try and lesson the throbbing pain.

"Oh my God it's David and Sara?" Ann said very much surprised

"What an incredible coincidence "John said "Meeting up with the same two people you met at the park is hard but to meat the only fur I've seen out of the clinic is hard pressed..."

"Why don't you sit with us?" Sara invited

"We couldn't impose. " John answered.

"Don't be silly of course we can." Ann said jokingly

"You wouldn't be imposing" Sara replied "Besides I'm so interested in this entire fur thing I think you look beautiful."

"Well thank you honey but I'm on a date. " Ann continued to joke sort of.

David who until now had been nurturing his abused tale returned to the real world to find everyone he had met at the park at his romantic dinner table talking laughing and having a great time he felt more than slightly excluded.

"What will you be having? " The waiter had returned.

"Same as them" Both John and Ann replied simultaneously

"Sara would you come with me to the powder room" Ann said.

"Sure Ann."

"Wow she couldn't be more under your spell" John told David.

"No she's not is she?"

"It's so obvious I would have known with nose plugs and your not far behind. I must say you took out the big guns. Mar Templado, wow that's a major first date, three month waiting list and arguably the best view of the Atlantic in Florida. "

"Well I mean look at her she is beautiful and witty and intoxicating..."

"Good choice any how what did you order."

"The crab in red wine pepper reduction. Did you have trouble getting in I practically had to bite the host hand off so he'd let me in."

"Actually the host let us right in with out looking for our reservation my credit card had to call just so I could get a reservation and they ignored it completely."

"So you really like David don't you girl." Ann started as they made it to the bathroom.

"Well actually I don't know he's nice but we're so different" Sara said as she reapplied her lipstick.

" Girl you came in your Sunday best to your first date and packing latex. You might want to rethink those they won't work on him good news is he has a clean bill of health until about a week ago when last he got checked up. Although, you can have mine."

"Actually, I've had those in this purse for a while. I don't think I'll need them. Thank you though. How did you know?"

"That brings me to my second point" She twitched her nose up and down. "I could smell them and I can smell how much you want him and more importantly how much he likes you. I brought you hear to tell you that you'll regret not seeing what will happen if you give in to your insecurity and indecisiveness. Besides nothing has been written of the meek and indecisive, right?"

"Well that may be true but I still don't know I mean he's more like my pet than he is like my last boyfriend."

"And don't you wish your last boyfriend would have been more like your pet.Well I'm done." Sara said.

By the time the girls had returned the food had reached the table and David and John where starting to fidget. It took most of there willpower to keep from sinking into there meal the second the girls sat down. So they where very much relieved when the Ann and Sara began to eat immediately after they sat. The rest of the night was spent in excellent conversation and laughter among wonderful company. After dinner Ann, John, Sara and David parted there way. Although by now they all knew this would not be there last outing together.

David pulled up to Sara's home and got off the car to open the car door for her.

"So it's true the Gentleman is an extinct race." Sara giggled.

"I guess it is." David extended his hand/paw to Sara who took it and got out of the car with the grace of a lioness.

David walked her to door of the clinic they stared at each other with that embarrassed smile you can only have on an excellent date where nothing could happen.

"So would you like too perhaps do this ag..."

Sara kissed him. David accepted the gift happy to be able to be silent and enjoying himself greatly. He embraced her as the kiss went on. Sara's hand crept up the fur of David's neck and found the back of David's ear. She began to scratch. To say David was feeling sparks would be an incredible understatement. Sara wasn't far behind she felt quit safe and warm in her woman's best friend /gentlemen caller blanket. That idea brought her attention to her hand it was scratching joyously at the back of his ear Linda's favorite spot.. With that she realized she was treating this wonderful man like, one of her patients, she brought her hands to her side abruptly and pulled away from there embrace.

"I am so sorry" Sara said with tears in her eyes and a broken voice. Sara opened the door and disappeared through it immediately.

David was taken aback he had no idea what had gone wrong. He was in heaven as was being testified by the bulge he was trying to hide finding that much more difficult now. He knocked on the door.

"Sara what's wrong?"

No answer. He tried scratching at the door again. No answer. Sara cringed in back of the door she had sunken to the floor. To disrespect someone so much she could hardly live with herself it was against everything she believed in. David was now on the border of lunacy what had he done.

"What did I do the night was going so great?"

Finally he had thought someone who could like him the way he was and she loved animals too.

"What wrong what did I do to make you stop it felt, it felt better than anything I had ever done with any one in my whole life the way you kissed me the way you new just where to scratch to..."

Sara had no idea what to think on the one hand she had never felt like this for anyone she had just met at the park several hours earlier. On the other hand what she had done was in excusable. Ann was right she had wished her last boyfriend that asshole had been more like Linda or any of the other animals she took care of: loyal, respectful, kind, honest, so on. She opened the door as she realized those had to be qualities inherent in the man not the dalmatian although the invisible line between them had all but disappeared by the time she found herself hugging and crying on her lovely man/dalmatian: David.

To be continued.( Seriously it's just I like this ending to much to ruin it with a sex seen although that's next time.)